Coming Home

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The next day, Twilight and Garrett were in the room with the Crystal Mirror waiting for Sunset to come home. A few minutes later, Sunset Shimmer came out of the Crystal Mirror. She was still wearing the necklace Rarity had made. "Sunny!" Garrett said excitedly as he then smiled and hugged her. Twilight also hugged her and Sunset hugged back. "It's so good to see both of you," said Sunset as she smiled. Then, out of the blue, she asked, "So, where is Starlight? I mean, how's she been?"

"Oh, she's been on vacation," explained Twilight, "but she'll be back in a few days. She's doing fine. She coincidentally asked me how you've been doing." Sunset blushed, then, looked at Garrett with her serious face and said in a serious voice, "You and I need to talk. Privately. Like the two of us. Big sister to little brother..." Garrett nodded and said, "Okay, sure. Let's talk at my home. I figured maybe you could crash there for awhile. After all, sibs gotta stick together." Sunset smiled, glad to know that Garrett was willing to let her live in his house. "Don't worry, I won't get between you two," joked Twilight as she winked at Garrett. He gave her a kiss, saying, "You're the best, Princess." Sunset and Garrett then walked around Ponyville, and Garrett looked far more happier than he had in years. Soon, he and Sunset were outside his house. He opened the door, letting Sunset in. "Welcome to my humble abode," said Garrett, "it ain't much, but, Mi casa, Tu casa."

His home had various musical instruments, comic books, movies, and his wall had many posters and pictures hung up. There was a photo of Sunset and a photo of Twilight. Sunset smiled, seeing the photo of her. "So, what's up Sis?" Garrett asked, curious to know what Sunset wanted to talk about. "Alright Garrett, this is what I want to tell you, it's real important to me..." Sunset said hesitantly and she closed her eyes as she inhaled and said, "Garrett, I'm gay!" She then opened her eyes and looked at her brother, clueless as can be. "Gay?" he asked, "Like, jovial gay?"

"No Garrett," she said in a tone that was slightly annoyed, "the other definition..." It then hit Garrett like a bell crushing Ernesto de la Cruz for the first time. [10 years from now, that joke's gonna be outdated. Along with this story.]  "Oh..." he said in realization, realzing that Sunset Shimmer, his older sister, was gay and attracted to mares. Sunset slowly nodded and said, "Yep..." She looked down, almost mortified. She was actually afraid Garrett might hate her. "Gee, I uh, I'm not sure what to say..." he said nervously. Sunset looked down sadly and said, "You must hate me, don't you?"

"Now why would you think something as foolish as that?" he asked, "Sunset, if this is who you are, I'm 100% alright with it. No matter what happens, we're still family, and I'll always love you..." He gently hugged her. She smiled with tears in her eyes as she hugged him. "Still, I gotta wonder," said Garrett, "have you told anypony else?"

"As of right now, you're the only one I've told," confessed Sunset. "That should change," said Garrett, "you ought to reach out to Celestia, Twilight, and her friends." This made Sunset go into fight or flight mode as she nervously asked, "Are you sure? What if they won't accept me?" 

"They'll understand," assured Garrett, "one more question... what made you realize you were gay?" Sunset thought for a moment and said, "well, I had a lot of time to myself to think things over... maybe it was when I dated Flash Sentry's human doppelganger. I just wasn't attracted to him... maybe it was when I met Starlight... I just realized how I was more attracted to girls, errr, I mean, mares..." Garrett held her hoof and said, "It's okay. I'm here for you Sunset." They then hugged each other.

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