The Great Battle

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Star Swirl was outside, waiting for Lord Tirek to inevitably appear. Tirek had sucked the magic out of several ponies on the way to Ponyville, and soon, he saw Star Swirl. He charged up, the large power infused centaur, facing the elder unicorn. "Well, if it isn't the great Star Swirl the Bearded," said Tirek. "Lord Tirek," said Star Swirl, "we meet at last."

"For the final time!" yelled Tirek. "Before you do what you will," began Star Swirl, "I must let you know... you've brought great shame upon your kingdom, and your brother!" Tirek growled and said, "you dare to insult me?!?!?! That will be the last insult you ever make, old man!" He then blasted at Star Swirl, taking away his magic. This caused Tirek to grow larger, and weakened Star Swirl as he then went to the door. "Do not dare to hide, you coward!" roared Tirek. Star Swirl went into the house, looked at everyone, and said, "He's here... Go, you fools!" The Mane Six nodded, got out the house, with Starlight, Sunset, and Garrett following. "Tirek!" Twilight said angrily, glaring at him. "Princess Twilight," growled Tirek, "come to die with your friends?"

"Not as long as I have anything to say about it Tirek," said Garrett, "or are we speaking to Dark Heart?" Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity looked at Garrett and asked, "Dark Heart?" Tirek groaned in annoyance. "Reve tsiuqolirtnev tseinnuf eht si mahnud ffej," began Sunset as she enchanted the spell. The Mane Six, along with Starlight and Garrett were ready to blast. "You are doing the enchantment to The Void?!?!?!?!" Tirek realized, "Dim Mak!" When he said those words, his horns blasted at Sunset, knocking her into unconsciousness! "SUNSET!!!!!" Garrett and Starlight screamed in terror. Enraged, Garrett charged at Tirek and used his horn to stab Tirek in the leg. Tirek roared in pain. Garrett got his horn out and said, "Twilight, speak the rest of the enchantment!" Twilight nodded and said, "Nniuq yelarh dna namtab ottid! Eivom detamina ekoj gnillik eht dekil I! Boj emosewa na enod sah nosnhoj nair! Reve eivom sraw rats tseb eht si idej tsal eht kniht osla I! Tsirf tohs odeerg! Idej eht fo nruter fo noitide laiceps eht otni dedda gnieb nesnetsirhc nedyah htiw looc saw I! Klaatu barada nikto!" The enchantment worked as a portal to The Void then opened. But Twilight needed to concentrate on keeping the portal open at all costs! Garrett then yelled, "FIRE!!!!" He, Starlight, and the rest of the Mane Six [except Twilight] then blasted at Tirek with their magic. The magic was powerful enough to suck Tirek into the portal. With the blast, all his magic was stripped away from him, going back to the ponies whose magic he stole, including Star Swirl's. As soon as he fell in, Twilight then stopped concentrating, the portal closing. She fell down, sighing in relief.

"You did it Twilight," said Garrett as he smiled at her. She smiled back as he helped her up. "Where did he go?" asked Fluttershy. "To a dimension known as The Void," Star Swirl said as he walked out the door, his strength returning, "it is not like the one The Pillars and I banished Dark Heart in. It is the equivalent to death. Tirek and Dark Heart will never escape from there, thanks to all of you." Twilight smiled and said, "Thank you Star Swirl." Starlight and Garrett gasped as they said, "Sunset!"                            

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