Chapter 1: Relapse

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"I know you can. I know you will."

The last words I heard before everything turned black.

I think I'm awake. I push myself and sit upright and realize that this is not my bed, I can't even recognize where I am. The bedroom I'm in is pretty bland and colorless.

Reminds me of my room. Cold and dark.

I get out of bed to go get some breakfast for myself. But as soon as I get to the kitchen, I have a huge epiphany.

"This looks like the protagonist's kitchen. Wait a sec…"

I look out the window and discover that my suspicions are right. The outside resembles the opening scene of the game with extra buildings I haven't seen before in-game. At least the game isn't empty like I thought it was. The shock of being here finally catches up to me and I'm unable to move for a few minutes, wondering the credibility of my existence in my reality. It's a scary thought, processing which reality is real or fake.

Wait a sec, I have an idea.

I go grab a kitchen knife from the counter and stare at it's blade for a few seconds. This is how I can prove if my existence here is permanent. I choose a spot that isn't noticeable and make a small cut on my thigh. I wince in pain, feeling every movement of the blade in my whole body so I work quickly to finish the job.


Luckily I didn't go too deep but man did I feel pain. I put a bandage around my thigh and relax for a bit. After a few minutes, the pain subsides enough for me to have clear thoughts.

Now time to realize my circumstances for a happy ending. One, have to prevent the one and only hanging. Two, stop Yuri from stabbing her guts out. Three, stop Natsuki's father from abusing her. *sigh* This is gonna be the greatest challenge I've ever faced. Wait, almost forgot. Four, make this Monika aware that I know what she's capable of and stop her forcefully or sympathize with her and explain what her and my circumstances are right now, hoping she understands what her other self did was wrong. I'll have to see which path I take later with her since I'm not sure how she'll react to discover that I exist here now.


Damn it, I lost track of time! I think Sayori's outside already so I work quickly to put on all my clothes, get my backpack, then open the door.

Sayori: Good morning, Chris!

Wait what? How does Sayori know my name?

Chris: Uh, hi… morning.

There's an awkward moment of silence since she senses something's not quite right.

Sayori: Are you… okay, Chris?

Chris: Yeah, of course! Just had a rough time waking up.

I mean, that's kind of the truth.

Sayori: …

Sayori: Ahaha. Well, happens to all of us from time to time.

Phew, guess I can save explanations for her later.

Chris: Well let's start walking to school then.

Sayori: Okay!

The scenery while we're walking is more amazing than I expected. A beautifully paved walkway, many lush, pink trees all around us in two neat columns, and the air nice and warm.

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