Chapter 7: Analysis

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So I’ll admit, I was a bit pissed at the situation. After all, I’ve seen the same thing play out thousands of times and I wasn’t in the best mood to handle this situation. But I do plan to talk it out with the two to get to the heart of their problems, hopefully without too much resistance.

The walk to Chris’s house is done in silence as the duo follow Chris. He’s still listening to his music, almost ignoring their presence entirely except for a few moments when he checks behind him to make sure they’re still there. Both girls are lost in their thoughts, wondering what causes the agitation between them.


Nice job Yuri. If you would’ve just agreed with me that my poem was better, we wouldn’t be in this awkward situation. I admit that asking for that is a bit greedy but come on! Yuri almost never agrees with me for anything. The least she could do is be more understanding. Maybe I’d be more willing to open up to her then.

Chris: “Hey, Natsuki.” He says with a cold stare.

“Y-yeah, what?”

“You said that you had to be home in a few hours right?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“Let me borrow your phone. I’m gonna tell your dad, you’re not coming home tonight.”

The fear that Natsuki had earlier of Chris’s words before he left her in the morning surface up again, leaving her hands frozen at her sides while she’s left paralyzed from making any decisions.

“Natsuki, it won’t be the end of the world, alright?” he says as he puts a hand on Natsuki’s shoulder. “I’ll word it so he understands it perfectly.”

She still shows a great amount of hesitation but pulls out her phone and dials her father for Chris.

Chris waits as the phone keeps ringing for a good ten seconds.


Natsuki, Natsuki, Natsuki. Oh, where has your attitude gotten us now? Stuck following Chris to his home and for the night? I would ditch these two if I could but the fear of him following me is too strong.

Also, Natsuki looks really scared. As soon as Chris mentioned his idea, she froze up. I couldn’t blame her though. Not after what happened last time.

Yuri recalls when she chased after Natsuki, remembered how she ran for dear life as fast as she could. When she caught up to Natsuki, she offered her a stay at her house for the night, in order for her to feel more safe. She accepted, and the two went to her house quickly. After a few moments, she remembered how Natsuki simply told her that her father wasn’t in a good mood, which felt like a stab to Yuri’s heart. She didn’t push Natsuki for further details and let her sleep peacefully for the night. The next day, they both acted as if it never happened, never touching on the subject again.


This’ll probably kill Natsuki but I want to see a glimpse of what her father is like.

Before her father answers the phone, Chris motions for Natsuki to get closer and puts a finger near his mouth to keep the two quiet.

“Alright, Natsuki, I want you to talk to your father about this for a bit. I want to see what he says.”

“W-what, why me?”

“Just to see what he says. I know it’s a lot to ask but I’m gonna put it on speaker phone, alright? You’ll be fine.”

“O-okay.” Finally, Natsuki’s father answers the phone, which Chris in turn puts the call on speaker phone.

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