Chapter 3: The First Day

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Sayori: You're back!

Chris: Yeah, we went to go get some supplies for the club.

Monika: I have an idea for later to use these supplies.

Sayori: Okay!

No one appears like they've heard anything. I think we're all good. I'm still a bit shaken up from earlier but I let the feeling subside as Sayori keeps talking.

Sayori: That reminds me...

Sayori: We have something for you! I'll go get them.

Natsuki: Hold on a minute! They're mine to get...

Sayori: Sorry, I got a bit too excited.

Sayori: Ahaha...

Natsuki goes to a table in the back of the room that has a tray that's covered with a bowl. She carries it to a table next to us and prepares to remove the bowl.

Natsuki: Watch this everyone!

She removes the bowl to show delicious vanilla cupcakes with cute cat decorations on top. Honestly, they look way better than how they were described before. The level of detail put into each cupcake would put conventional bakers to shame.

Chris: They look amazing!

Sayori: They're so cute!

Yuri: Such crafted masterpieces.

Monika: Well done Natsuki!

Natsuki gives a bright, toothy grin in our direction, clearly boasting her abilities of baking and enjoying our approval.

Natsuki: Well...

All of us: ...?

Natsuki: What are you waiting for guys? Take one already.

The other three quickly grab one and start digging into them immediately. They all give sounds of approval and continue to eat them while I look at where to bite in. Before I find a spot, I notice that Natsuki is waiting for me to start eating. I go and take a bite.

Chris: Mhmmm! This is pretty good!

And I kid you not, this cupcake tastes amazing. The smooth, milky vanilla topping, the moist, damp chocolate breading, and the marshmallow cat on top aren't overly sweet like I expected and all the flavors compliment each other really well. The cupcake isn't at all dry so there's no need for any drink to wash it down. Overall, I've never tasted such a cupcake like this!

Chris: Thanks Natsuki!

Natsuki: What are you talking about? I didn't make them for you.

Chris: ...

Chris: You kind of did...

Chris: After all it was for whoever was joining the club...

Natsuki: Whatever! Don't get any wrong ideas.

Chris: What do you mean? These cupcakes are good.

Chris: I think you could become a great baker in the future.

Natsuki: No...I...

She starts blush heavily and looks the other way for a few seconds. Man, she really can't take a compliment well! I knew this was going to happen but I didn't expect that much of a reaction. Guess it can't be helped.

Natsuki: Whatever. *quietly* Thanks.

Chris: What was that?

Natsuki: Nothing!

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