Day 2

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I wake up and start to get ready for school and he pops up in my head, I was dreaming about him, I. Think I like him. Oh no this isn't good at all he is going to hate me if he finds out! I blush slightly and finish my make up and hair then slip on my clothes. Off to school.


I walk up to the gym with Aydan and see Gerard. I blush slightly and Aydan notices

"Boi your blushing"


She giggles and I go up to Gerard. I ask him about music and he got all happy and energetic making me blush.

"Crystal! I practiced so much that I can play the whole piece now! Won't Mr. P be proud!" I giggle and slightly blush. He is so cute when he is excited. 

"He will be super proud but just remember to keep practicing it so you don't forget" he nods and walks away but his hand brushes up against mine and I get a chill down my spine and blush more. I look over and Aydan is basically screaming and recording.

"Aydan! God dammit!" 

"Hehehehehehehe" I walk to band since the bell rang and sit next to Gerard while we play through the piece I notice that he was struggling with the 16th notes but can play everything else perfectly fine. Mr. P taught us all how to count them except Gerard so I whispered to him and wrote on his music how to count them.

"1 ta and ta ata 2 ta and ta ata 3 ta and ta ata 4 ta and ta ata" He smiles and kind of heats up and thanks me. The next time we go through the piece he plays it perfectly and Mr. P is shocked that everyone learned it over night. Then since Christmas break was almost here we did a Secret Santa. Tomorrow is when we bring in the gifts and the money limit it 10-15 dollars. I reach into the hat and pull out Gerard I blush slightly and smile. I wonder who has me...

~Time skip brought to you by Ryan's Cheez Whiz~

It's the end of school so me and Aydan go to the store since she is doing a secret santa for orchestra. I look around and see the perfect gift. A CD for Sleeping with Sirens. He said it was one of his favorite bands and the CD was in the price range. It was $14.99. Excited, I quickly bought it and after Aydan we went to my house and wrapped our gifts. Afterwards Aydan went home and I went to sleep for tomorrow.

Gerard Way Imagine ~ The only hope for me is youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang