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I wake up in Gee's arms and smile softly, cuddling up to him more. His warmth wrapping around me, with my freezing feet poking out of the blankets. I giggle and pull my feet up and put them on his back. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" He screams and falls off the bed. I start laughing my ass off and go onto the floor with him I giggle and he groans from being tired.

"What even was that.....?" He said, rubbing his eyes.

"Mah feetz" I say giggling. Then im out.


Vision- I wake up, I go into my moms room to check on her. I walk in and see no one, not a sign of life. The bed was made perfectly. I look all around her room and see no one, nothing, just.... emptiness. I walk down stairs, to see her with a gun to her head, smiling widely and she pulls the tigger.

"NOOO!!!!!!" I scream, but my face is a poker face. No emotion. Yet inside i'm completely breaking. I walk up to her and whisper 

"Finally" Huh? I didn't want to say that. I grab a large knife and walk into my room and see Gerard, stabbing himself multiple times. I again scream in my head, but in reality, poker face. I walk slowly back into the living room to see everyone I knew killing them self. My inner emotions and reality ones start flashing. I start crying my eyes out and breaking down then I flash back to poker face. What is going on with me? As im flashing I can't control my body anymore. I stab myself in the chest multiple times and drop. Not dying, I still have a poker face but inside i'm crying from both the mental and physical and emotional pain. Then I hear Gerard.

"Cr.......ake.....p" "Crys...... wake.......p" "Crystal wake up!" 

End of vision

I scream loudly and sit up fast as Gerard holds me tightly. I start crying hard and I tell him about the vision. I start rocking from crying so hard, he kisses me and I slightly calm down. I melt into the kiss and I calm down completely.

"I love you so fucking much, your safe its okay." He whispers after pulling our lips apart. I fall asleep in his arms.

Gerard Way Imagine ~ The only hope for me is youWhere stories live. Discover now