Amusement Park

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Crystal's POV

We both wake up at the same time and he kisses me softly, then goes and takes a shower. He comes back in and says

"We're going to an amusement park get ready"

"Wait what?!" I yell and he laughs. Excited, I get up and get dressed. (Above) I walk over to Gerard.

"I'm ready" I say, sticking my tongue out cutely. 

Gerard's POV

God dammit I love when she does that. It's just so adorable. I walk up to her and push her against a wall gently and kiss her. Her arms are wrapped around my neck and I hold her waist. I pull away and kiss her cheek, her smiling widely. I hold her hand and walk out and get into my car. While i'm driving I put my hand on her thigh and I rub her thigh with my thumb. She smiles and pecks me on the cheek, then puts her hand on my hand. I do this so I can have a faster reaction in a car crash. I don't want the chance of her getting hurt.

Crystal's POV

I smile softly at him and I have a small blush creeping upon my face. Whenever i'm near him I feel like nothing can hurt me. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I randomly put out an apple slice and shove it in his mouth. He starts laughing and eats it, me feeding him as he drives. I giggle lightly and peck him on the cheek with the last apple slice. I watch him while he drives and he glances over and back to the road. 

"Driving sucks, I can't look at my perfectly beautiful girlfriend for long" He says. I blush lightly and kiss him on the lips, then plug my music into the car. I have all his band's music on my phone (I brought you my bullets, you brought me your love). I start playing my music and Skylines and Turnstiles comes on. Me and Gerard sing along, him obviously perfect cause he the singer in general and he rocking out since i'm not driving. We finally arrive at the amusement park and I jump. 

"You excited?" He says while laughing.

"Yeah! I was at Six Flags last year but I get excited at ANY amusement park" I reply. I grab his hand and run up to the gates, acting like i'm a 6 year old just going to one. We get the tickets, which were 15 each person, shocking. I pull him towards the highest and scariest ride and I excitedly say.

"That one first~!" He nods and puts me on his back. He walks over to the ride and sets me down and we get on. The ride started as soon as they checked seat belts and the things that cover your whole torso. I grab onto the bar with my right hand and hold Gerard's hand with my left, It being 2 seats in a row. and 10 back. The ride starts inching up to the highest point and I look at Gerard who was already looking at me and smile, the the drop came and everyone screamed, including me and Gee. I hold his hand tightly and we go through loops and down drops. Going sideways at some points. Then the ride ended. We got off and hold Gee's hand and walk around. 

~Time skip brought to you by Brendon's capri suns and Lavender hoodie~

We stayed till 9 PM, or when the park closed, and went back to the car. I bite down on my bottom lip and we get in the car. Before he starts the car I climb on top of him and sit on his lap. I set my hands on his should and he wraps his arms around my waist and I start kissing him. We continue kissing for awhile then I get back in my seat and Gee starts driving. We arrive around 11 PM, since we had our little make out session. We go back inside and I make us hot chocolate. I bring him his and he takes a sip, I take a sip of mine and set it down. After drinking the hot chocolate, we go back in my room and since were so tired we lay down and turn all the lights off. I put my leg over him and set my hand on his cheek, turning his head around to where our lips are centimeters apart I kiss him lightly then keeps my lips centimeters apart and he has his arm around me. We both fall asleep and I start dreaming of him.

A/N- Sorry for the short chapter! Most of my chapters are over 1000 words, this one only has 750. But thanks for reading~!

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