Day 3

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School again. But hey~! I get to see Gerard. In band Mr. P tells us to start exchanging gifts I walk up to Gerard and he walks up to me. Realizing we got each other I slightly blush and I think I see him blushing. I hand him his gift and he hands me mine and we all sit down. Alex says


I unwrap mine and stare in shock. We got each other the same gifts. I look over at him and he is already looking at me and we both start laughing me hugs me and says thanks and I hug him back blushing like a fucking mad man. Damn I love his hugs. Gah. Since its friday Gerard walks up to me and says

"Hey can I come over? Since... Its Friday ya know" 

"Y-Yeah we can walk home together"

"Okay! Ill meet you in front of school after last bell!"

"Okay bye!" We both leave class and i'm as red as a tomato

~Time skip brought to you by Mikey's Unicorns~

I wait for Gerard and see him running up to him, his messy black hair in his face makes me blush slightly and we began walking home. We talk about our lives and I tell him about my depression and he talks about his. At this point we can write a book about each other. I feel his finger wrap around mine and turn into a blushing mess again and look at him and he is as red as me. I take a deep breath and entwine our fingers and blush more when he doesn't pull away (like this)

I feel like a oven at this point and we keep talking like nothing happened. I feel his thumb slowly making circles around the back of my hand and I smile. We reach my house and sit down on the couch since my parents are in the back yard working on something. I look up at him and back down, since our hands are still entwined. He raises our hands up and kisses the back of my hand, making me red as fuck again. He smiles and says

"Your cute when your nervous and blushing"

I turn even more red. We continue talking for about 2 hours and he ends up staying the night (I had to practically beg my parents) We were in my room sitting up against the wall on my bed watching funny videos at 11 at night when he randomly turns off the video he looks down at me and I look up at him. I don't even notice we were inching closer until there were a pair of soft warm lips on mine. I close my eyes and kiss back he pulls away slowly and looks at me. I smile to show him he kissed me well and his lips smash into mine again. I wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his arms around my waist and I slightly smile within the kiss, causing him to smile to. We continue kissing for a while and we both pull away and he says

"Will you be my girlfriend Crystal?" I blush and reply

"Of course Gee" I kiss him again and we stay up till 4 watching random videos and laughing then we fall asleep cuddling. Best night. Ever.

Gerard Way Imagine ~ The only hope for me is youWhere stories live. Discover now