Store Fun

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Crystal's POV 

I wake up in Gerard's arms and see the fire still going. I look up at Gee and kiss him softly to wake him up. He wakes up I say

"I have an idea!" 

"What is it beautiful?" 

"Lets go to store and buy a bunch of snacks and random stupid stuff and mess around then come home and eat the snacks and play with the random stuff!" 

"That sounds fun, let me grab my walle-" I kissed him softly

"Your not paying I am. Leave your wallet here." He sighs and puts his wallet down and picks me up bridal style to the bedroom and sets me on the dresser.

"Haiiii" I say and peck him on the lips. He kisses me and says,

"I'm getting you dressed today" I see his smirk and blush slightly. He lifts up my shirt as if were about to do it. He looks through my band tees and sees a metallica one. He puts it over my head and I put my arms through it. He starts looking through my underwear drawer then looks up at me and says,

"Take your pants and panties off" I see him smirk even more and I blush while pulling the two articles of clothing down. I see him staring and he picks out blue panties, and magenta ripped jeans. He slides my panties on and then my jeans. 

"What was the point of that?" I say giggling. 

"To see your sexy body" He says smirking and I start blushing. 

"Well now its my turn" I say taking his shirt off and I stare at him then look away and pick out a misfits shirt for him, putting it on for him, I put his underwear on and his black skinny jeans. He kisses me softly and pats my thigh, indicating to jump, so I jump and wrap my legs around his waist and he holds me from my thighs. I giggle lightly as he runs out to the car and sets me in the passengers side. He gets into the drivers seat and we start driving to the store.

 Half way there he put his hand on my thigh again and I put my hand on his. I lean my head back and look over at him and smile lightly at the sight of him. 

"You know, I can't stare at you because i'm driving. Your lucky" He says, taking a few glances. He lightly moves his thumb around your thigh and you smile more. You kiss him on the cheek and you arrive to the store. You both jump out and you run over to Gee. He wraps an arm around your shoulders and kisses you real quick, then you walk into the store. You grab a random cart and push random snacks in and random games and stuff in, along with condoms because one, They are like balloons, and two, You know why. After paying you put the stuff in the car and went back in the store and was trying to get kicked out. You and Gee threw a few footballs and was playing soccer. Then the one we all knew would work. You climbed on top of the cage that holds all the rubber balls and jump in, the workers yell 

"GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Me and Gee grab each others hand and start running as fast as we can out of the store laughing our asses off, eventually getting to our car and Gerard speeds off, still laughing. I make him stop in a empty parking lot and climb onto his lap. I start kissing him and put my hands on his shoulders, him hugging my waist to bring me closer. 

"I love you" I said softly and kiss him again

"I love you too sexy" He said then kisses my neck softly

"Don't make me want you even more" I said smiling

"Oh so you wanted me before?" He said smirking

"I want you 24/7" I kiss him again and climb back over to my side and Gerard continues driving, with a hand on my thigh, and his thumb caressing it slightly.

~Time skip brought to you by Patrick's fedora~

After we ate all of our snacks and got bored with the games, Gerard pushes me down onto the couch gently and kisses me softly. I tug on his hair slightly and he kisses my neck

"Gee... You know what neck kisses do" I breathed out.

"Exactly" He said smirking against my skin. I bite my lip and I pull him up and whisper

"Lets just grind tonight" I say while blushing. His eyes light up and he kisses me passionately. He takes off my pants and leaves me in my panties he picked out this morning. I unbuckle his skinny jeans and slide them off, so were only in underwear and shirts. He brings his hips down and I moan softly from the touch of our privates meetings. I can tell he has had his bulge for a while now. He starts kissing my neck, nibbling and licking to leave small love bites, knowing I don't like huge noticeable ones. I was gonna let him rest today so I push him down and get onto him, sitting on his clothed member and grinding up against him, making him groan is pleasure. We continue this until we both have our own little orgasm and he kisses me softly and we walk to my bedroom and fall asleep in each others arms.

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