Chapter 4 ~ Liam Knight

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"ddrrriiiiinnnggg" The rusty old bell rang and to what seemed an eternity, finally maths was over.

Aiden and I chucked our maths book's in our locker's and headed to the gym for sports. I went to the changing rooms and chucked my school jersey into the long, silver locker and put on a pair of Adidas sports shoes. Aiden went off to get the gear with coach and being the first one to finish changing I started for the gym.

I opened the large double doors to the gym, it looked bigger and some things were a bit neater. The floor was polished and the courts were re-painted, while somethings were still the same. The 'Exit' sign across the gym, still hung upside down and some seats by the bleachers were torn or missing.

Before the rest of the students could come, I started to do my laps around the court. Using my "super" speed I made around 50 laps or so without having to sweat. Just as I finished Aiden and coach walked in with the gear to the volleyball court. As I followed, students came in barging with laughter and chatter. We all did our warm-ups and waited for coach to put us into teams. Aiden walked to my side and casually bent to tie his laces.

"How many laps?" he whispered, knowing that I could hear him.

"About fifty in about a minute" I replied with a smile and ran a hand through my messy hair.

He got up and returned me a smile. He walked to the other side of the volleyball court away from my team, before coach had the chance to tell him which team to go to, knowing that we could never be in the same team. Anyways it would be a challenge this way I guess.

I looked around at my teammates, same familiar faces and I realised new girl was in my team. Walking towards me was Rebecca Anderson. She had strawberry blonde hair with big brown eyes and she had her hair too tight in a ponytail like any other cheerleader. Trailing behind her was her bestie Julie Michaelson, she was tall with dark brown eyes and jet black, curly hair.

"Hi Liam!" Rebecca said in a high-pitched, excited tone and grabbed me by the shoulders into a huge hug.

"Hey Becca..." I managed to speak out and hugged her back with less enthusiasm.

Behind her, Julie did her fake cough and Becca loosened her grip on my shoulders and held on to my arm. Uhhhhhhh.... Jeez lady.

As we walked to our places on the court and Becca finally letting go of me (thank god!). I saw new girl stand a row behind me and off course with Trent cooper beside her. New girl's hair was tied to the side, her cheeks were red and her arms were crossed. Obviously pissed off at blonde ass which made me smile.

Coach blew his whistle and Becca started with a serve, the game went on mostly Aiden and I, flying about. We were playing against each other. After realising we let the others have a go. The ball came nearer to Becca close to the corner and she ducked almost tripping over. I laughed as I thought to myself, if only the ball could've hit her in the face. We played a few more rounds, then after a hit from Aiden, the ball went flying to the row behind me by new girl. She was apparently tying her shoe laces at that precise moment.

Oh -uh, before the ball could smack new girl unconscious, I strode in front of her and set the ball over the net. Aiden went for it but missed. Yes! that's a point for us.

As I turned around I realised I was standing in front of new girl.

"Grey eyes..." she whispers not intending for me to hear I guess. I chuckle as a tint of red spreads her cheeks.

"That would be me" I laugh as I do a small wave. A silence falls upon us, I guess we were both unsure of what to say.

"Oh, uh thank you... for saving me from that evil ball" she mutters the last part to herself but I heard and I let out a hearty laugh. Her rosy cheeks turn even more red as I continue to chuckle.

"No problem" I say as my laughter dies down. I hear something flying towards me as I realised the game was still going on. Her eyes widen suddenly as she points behind me. Shit! The ball.

"Hey, look out, the ball" she manages to say in a haste. Before she could even finish, I whipped around and smacked the ball away. The ball went and hit the side wall of the hall as her mouth gaps open.

"That was. Fast, woah" she says as I turn around. I smile sheepishly with a shrug.

"Fast reflexes, I guess" I say as she nods still in awe. The coach blows the whistle, as the sounds echoes through the big hall. Everyone disperses and go to grab their bags. Our team had won and now I had a goofy smile on my face. She laughs at my antics.

"Soooo" I drag out, as I rock on my heels. She walks towards the side of the court and grabs her bag.

"So, um I should get going now. Oh, and your friends I think are waiting for you..." she says as she gives a funny look at the people behind me.

I turn around to see a glaring Rebecca and Julie. I roll my eyes slightly at them. I chose to ignore them for now.

"You didn't tell me..." I trail off as I turns around.

"...your name" I finish as she is nowhere to be seen.

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