Chapter 10 - Bella Parker

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The little white slip is tucked in my hands as I try to think of a way to ask my dad. He would never allow this. I've gone crazy thinking of any possible way he would let me go but got none. A camp for a week is a dream. He won't let me out of his sight on a normal day let alone let me go to an unknown place with strangers. I slip the consent form in the back pocket of my jeans and step into the house.

"Dad?" I call out but I got no reply. Of course he wouldn't be home. He's always out doing his business. Well it was worth a try. I go to my bedroom and throw my bag onto the bed. The sunlight streams in from the window while I draw the curtains wide open.

The breeze drifts in and I smile looking out at the many hills. Beacon hills was very different from this place. It had more houses then trees. It was a very busy place and here its serene. My thoughts are interrupted when suddenly I don't see my locket on it's usual place in my vanity.

I still haven't found it and I am not going into the alley again.

My phone lights up which catches my attention. My ringtone fills the silence in my room. I take it out of my bag and smile when I see Liam's name pop up.

"Hey Bella" he says over the phone.

"Hey Liam, whats up?"

"Nothing much, have you asked your dad about camp yet?"

"Nope, he is still working"

"Oh okay, my uncle said yes. Aiden's coming too"

"That's great, although I don't think my dad will agree to this"

"What, really? Give it a go, you never know" he says.

"Yeah ill try but he is a stubborn man"

"So thats where you get it from aye?" He says laughing.

"Oh ha ha, am not" I roll my eyes at him even though he couldn't see.

"Are too"

"Am not"

"See you just proved my point" you could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Why are you such a doofus" I say shaking my head. I can't help but smile as he lets out a hearty chuckle.

"Okay I have to go, talk to you later newbie and convince your dad, I'm not going without you" he says.

"Hey no! Don't be like th-"

I didn't get to finish as I heard him laugh and then a long beep. I groan. Absolute idiot.

The front door creaks open and my eyes dart to the grey clock on my bedroom wall. It was just 5 in the evening. Dad's never home this early.

I leave my room and go downstairs to find my dad pacing around the room. He was fuming.

"Dad you okay?" I say and he gets startled. He holds his hand to his forhead and nods.

"I'm fine" he says and I raise an eyebrow.

"Honestly it's nothing, I'll be in my study. If your aunt comes in tell her to come there" he says in a rush and shoots off to the back of the house. I'm left just standing there.

I make my way up the stairs when the doors opens once again. Without me needing to say anything my aunt rushes off to the study. I groan, fighting the urge to go and eavesdrop.

I continue upstairs to my room and get lost under piles and piles of homework. The consent form sat on my desk taunting me. Not exactly the right time but I'll give it a go.

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