Chapter 6 ~ Liam Knight and Bella Parker

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My phone buzzes in my back pocket and I set aside my bottle of water. I was sitting in last period and the history teacher was paying no attention to anyone. He simply did not care. oh well. It was last period anyway. I open the lock to see a message from Liam. A small smile graces my lips

Liam: Hey Newbie

Me: Hey Captain

Liam: I forgot to tell you at lunch, I have after school practise

Me: Ohh I see, good luck for that game tomorrow!

Liam: Can you come after you get dismissed? I want to ask you something.

This caught my attention. I quickly type in Sure and pack all my stuff up. The bell rings just as I sling my bag over my shoulder. Mr Peterson slumps down on his chair and you could immediately hear snores from his direction.

I walk across the school towards the field. The fresh air hits my skin and I feel relieved to be away from all those crowed bodies in the hallway. I push open the doors and it doesn't take very long before I hear the sound of a whistle and loud voices.

I go up the stairs and look out onto the field to see a bunch of boys scattered around the field. The ball is being flung around from one person to another.

A bunch of girls were sitting on the bleachers not very far from me. They were giggling constantly looking at the guys. I roll my eyes at them and notice Rebecca in between the group. Her gaze meets mine and her giggles die down. She gives me a look and turns her attention back to the field. I ignore her and walk to the front getting a better view of the field.

I spot the familiar number 4. Just then he turns around and meets my eye. I wave at him but I halt as I see the ball coming straight at him. I gesture widely for him to turn around and in a millisecond the ball is in his hands and he speeds towards the goal. He touches the ball on the ground and the coach blows a whistle. A small smile spreads across my cheeks. He really likes what he does and I have to admit he was really good at it. The coach announces that the game is over.

Liam walks towards me while I walk down the bleachers to where there is a boundary separating the field and the bleachers. He had a glint in his grey eyes. It showed pure happiness.

"You really love what you do, don't you?" I say as I lean against the boundary.

"Yup" he says. He rakes his hands through his hair and some locks fall onto his forehead.

"What did you want to ask me?" I ask him.

"I'll go change first. I stink" he says and makes a face. I laugh and he joins in.

"Well go on then, I'll be outside" I say as I walk away from him and out onto the lawn.

I scroll through my phone lazily. It has been a few minutes and I am very curious towards what he has to say. I hear someone coming and I look up to see none other than Rebecca.

"Bella" she says enthusiastically. That's a bit weird.


"So how are you?" she says looking at her perfectly manicured nails.

"Um good, thanks" I turn back towards my phone.

"So we didn't start off on a very good start" she says constantly looking behind my shoulder. I peer over my shoulder to see no one.

"I guess" I reply, not really knowing what to say. She smiles widely and hooks my arm with her arm. Okay wait what is happening? Someone save me.

"So I just wanted to say sorry" she smiles and her nails dig into my arms.

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