Chapter 8 - Bella Parker

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The ancient myth book in my hand thumps down on the desk I was currently sitting on. That book held some very interesting things.

It held information about people called Bellators but it was very limited information. This was something that really fascinated me. Bellators is Latin for a warrior. Bellators where arquitenens. They had the skills of archery. They were excellent archers and they took pride in what they did. It's unclear what they exactly did but they were feared and dangerous. Definitely not to be messed with.

Two pitchy voices caught my attention from the corner of the room. Two senior girls from my class seemed to have cornered a junior girl that I have seen before.

I shake head at them. Bullying had become such a big problem nowadays. Nobody has the right to do such a thing. I get up out of my seat when I start to hear whimpers.

"Stop this, nobody deserves to be treated this way" I say firmly as I reach the two girls. They turn around and narrow their eyes.

"Excuse me? Don't talk to us you nobody. Clearly you don't know us or this schools system so move along and mind your own business. This is the first and last warning and believe me you don't want to mess with us" the girl with bright blue eyes perks in.

"Excused, now let me tell you something, I don't care about you or the messed up students in this school and their sick system. All I know is that if someone came along and treated you the exact same way you are treating this girl, you sure as hell would be bawling your eyes out and we both know that wouldn't turn out to be very pretty now would it. So continue with what seems to be a very boring life of yours considering this is what you do in your free time. "
The girls faces turn red as a round of Ooh's go around. They go to say more but clamp their pink lips shut. They spin around on their 4 inch heels, which were almost as red as their faces.

I shake my head at their childish act. I look at my watch to see it was already 4. I grab book and sling my bag over my shoulder. Stepping out into the glare of the sun. It was extremely hot today. I shade my eyes with my hands and start to walk away from the library building.

I look forward to see the blonde girl from the library and another guy I hadn't ever seen before leaning on the building . The girl whispered something to the guy and gestured towards me. The guy grins and soon it turns into a full smirk.

I shudder in disgust at the way he scrutinizes me from head to toe. I walk away from his sickening gaze and out of the school gates. There were still some students loitering around on the street and most disappeared around the bend. 

I looked towards the sky quizzical as it suddenly darkened. The thick grey clouds made this town look ghostly. I walk faster not wanting to go home dripping wet. I had to leave my car at home today, great.

I come to a stop in front of an alley that leads directly to my street. I contemplate going in. I had only used it once and it had been a weird experience. I kept on looking over my shoulder and it always felt like something was watching and following me.

Thunder growled in the distance and I knew I had to get home soon. The streets were now deserted, not one soul to be seen. I shake the thoughts away and enter the murky looking alley. It was already dark in there and the grey clouds didn't help much.

I zig zag past some weird gooey substance as I grimace. This place is putrid. Last time I'm ever entering this. It was a pretty long alley too.

My heartbeat quickens as I hear another set of footsteps along with mine. I perk up to catch any other sound. I give a glance over my shoulder to see nothing but the littered alley way. I blow out a breath and continue walking.

I feel like I'm being followed again and I quickly turn around on my heels. I would miss the dark figure hidden in the corner of a garbage bin if I didn't look close enough. 

"Whose's there?" I call out but the dark figure melts into the shadows. I watch in utter shock as the dark spot just disappears. What the hell?

I'm either going crazy and hallucinating or there honestly was something there that quite literally slipped into the shadows.

I blow out a deep breath and start walking. I walk and hear nothing for a while. I sigh in relief. Maybe I was just over thinking it. My thoughts are cut short as a force hits me from the back and I lurch forward. I fall on my knees and I gasp for air. I force my eyes open to see two glowing orange eyes in front of me.

I scream out in pain when a wave of pain runs through my whole body. My head felt like it was being stabbed again and again. One by one the throbbing in my head fades away and I take in a huge breath of air.

I struggle to stand and stumble into the wall behind me. I latch onto it using it for support. My breathing is shallow and it's hard to see straight. As soon as I regained my senses I make a run for it. I run and run out of the alley until some houses come into view. I rush out of the alley and don't stop until I reach my driveway. I turn my head and see no one following which made me feel a tad bit better.

I fumbled around with the key and the door finally clicks open. I quickly shut the door and press the lock. I try to calm down my jagged breathing and soon it had returned back to normal.

What the heck just happened? That was.. I just don't know... I know I didn't just think that. I know what I saw,there really was someone or something there. My head throbs the more I think about it.

I listen carefully hoping to hear something that indicates that my dad was home. That would have made me feel a ton lot better but he wasn't home, like any other day. 

I shake my head and try to clear my head. I make my way up the stairs and into my room. Walking into the room, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Staring back at me with wide and paranoid hazel eyes was a mess. My hair sticking out in every direction. Although what really caught my attention was my neck. They had light red marks on them and my locket was missing. I panicked and look all around the room.

I'm sure I wore it, I wear it everyday then where did it go...?

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