Chapter 5 ~ Bella Parker

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I walk out of chemistry class. My mind was hazy after that very confusing period. I was the very last to get out of the door since I had to stay back to finish the work. I never have been a chemistry genius. It truly sucks. For the whole 2 weeks I have studied here I have always been late after chem class.

I huff as I shove the homework text book in my bag. That was going to be a challenge. I walk towards my locker and open it. I shuffle around in it to make some space in there for my history book. I wouldn't be needing that till next week. It was lunch time and I could already hear bustling from the lunch hall.

I hear few clicks of heels as I turn my head slightly to see a strawberry blonde girl walking past. I didn't know much about her other than she was friends with grey eyes. I still didn't know his name. She eyes me up. I managed to send a small smile her way. She narrowed her eyes  and walked away flipping her tight ponytail.

"Well fine then..." I mutter wanting to flip her the bird, but I thought better of it. A silence falls upon the hallway. It was an eerie kind of silence. I didn't like it at all.  The silence was putting me off. It was deafening. Weird right, how silence can be the most deafening thing.

I finally put the book into the spot I made. Hopefully everything won't come tumbling out.

"Hey" I scream as a voice breaks through the eerie silence. Purely on reflex I bang my locker closed and my arm swings forward. It comes into contact with something as I stumble back into the lockers.

My head slightly hits the locker behind us. Ouch, that hurt. I squeeze my eyes shut. The silence is once again broken by a very familiar laugh. I peek through one eye.

Towering over me was none other than grey eyes. He stood there rubbing his upper arm which I punched.

"That was one good punch" he says chuckling. I blow out a breath as my face heats up. Gosh that was embarrassing and my head hurts now.

"Hey, you okay newbie?" he says. I raise my eyebrow at the nickname.

"Yeah I'm fine Captain" I reply. One thing I have learnt about him was that he was the captain of the football team and he was damn good at what he did. He chuckles at the nickname.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he looked sincerely sorry. It wasn't his fault I was so jumpy.

"No, no it's okay. I'm the jumpy one over here" I say shifting my weight from foot to foot. I go to pick up my bag which fell down during my little scene. He beats me to it as he bends down swiftly and picks it up.

"Um sorry for punching you" I say laughing slightly. He lets out a hearty chuckle and I can't resist but smile. He was definitely a happy person. Always laughing.

"Nah its fine, it didn't hurt anyway" he says touching his arm.

"I still don't know your name though newbie" he says smiling slightly.

"Neither do I know yours captain" I reply with a small smile of mine.

"Liam Knight" he says.

"Bella Parker" I say and turn around to lock my locker. He stands there watching me. I expected him to be gone by now but he stood there patiently leaning against the locker next to mine. 

Nobody says anything for a while as I finish locking the stupid locker. It takes me two tries. It was a pretty old school.

"Hey, I'm not convinced about you being fine though. You did hit your head. Let's go to the nurse" he says. I shake my head at him.

"That really won't be necessary" he just looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Fine, if you aren't going to let me take you to the nurse I'm sticking with you til the end of the day." He says firmly. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"You won't do that" I challenge.

"Never know, I might." he says grinning.

"Do you wanna get some lunch?" He asks. I was kind of stunned. For the past two weeks everyone was very reserved. Nobody really talked out of their friend circle. So as I result I was pretty alone.

"Uh is that okay with you?" I ask.

"Yeah sure let's go" he says smiling. I smile back softly and we start walking towards the hall.

"You do realize I'm not a new girl anymore, its been 2 weeks." I say to him. He just grins.

"Nope, newbie is gonna stick" I shake my head at him.

"So will captain" I say with a grin of my own.

We enter the hall and a few gazes land on us. I try not to look at the multiple people glaring. What in the world did I ever do to them. Liam nudges my arm and I look up towards him.

"Ignore them Bella" he whispers. I smile softly and do exactly that. We chat as we make our way through the hall towards the middle. I laugh at another ridiculous joke that he cracks. He can be very entertaining. 

We walk to a table at which two girls and a guy was sitting. I recognize the strawberry blonde from earlier. She glares at me but in a flash the glare is gone. It's replaced with a wide smile.

"Liammm" she stretches out.

"I thought you ran away" she says eyeing me up. Liam laughs dryly. I see the guy get up and he shoots a warm smile my way. I smile back and watch as he walks around the table and towards me.

"Hey bro" Liam says as they guy hug one another. I stand there not sure what to do.

"This is Bella. Bella this is Aiden." Liam says gesturing towards the bruntte guy.

"Hello" I say softly.

"Hi Bella, nice to meet you" he says shaking my hand.

"I'm the best friend of that doofus" he says. I laugh as Liam pokes his tongue out at Aiden.

"I see" I say and take a seat next to Liam on the table. Aiden returns to his seat which was in front of me.

"Oh and Bella, that is Rebecca and Julie" he says gesturing to them. I give them a small smile.

Rebecca ignores me and looks at Liam but Julie gives me a small smile. She was quite tall. And her jet black curls were really cute.

Rebecca was pretty. Definitely pretty. She had the perfect strawberry blonde hair and fair skin. Her wavy hair ended just by her waist. I reach into my bag to pull out my sandwich when Rebecca speaks up. She could make any girl feel insecure.

"So what took you so long?" Rebecca questions. I go to plop an apple slices in my mouth but my hands stop mid way as my eyes meet liams. He grins at me remembering our little scene back by my locker. I shake my head at him smiling.

"We just got occupied that's all" he says as he bites into his pie. Rebecca gives him a slight glare. Is that all she does? Well then.

We chat a little more. Aiden was really nice and he was very comfortable to talk to. Liam was being himself with all his jokes and laughing. Rebecca and Julie made conversation with Aiden and Liam but they made no effort to talk to me so I didn't try either.

Lunch time passed with laughter and chatter. This was the only lunch time that I had enjoyed this whole two weeks. The annoying bell rings cueing class time and people start to disperse. 

"I have art next you guys?" I question.

"Aiden and I have technology now" Liam replys. I nod and smile at them.

"Well I better get to class. Bye guys" I say as I get up and walk away from the table.

"Hey Bella" Liams voice catches my attention. I turn around to see him walking towards me.

"I'll see you later, after class" he says. I chuckle.

"So you're gonna 'stick by me' afterall?" I question with a grin.

"Indeed" he replys nodding enthusiasticlly. I wouldn't win this one.

"Alright, I'll see you later then" I say giving him one final wave. He waves back.

I walk out of the hall with Liam still on my mind.

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