Chapter 9 -Liam Knight

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"999 and 1000" I say as I get up from finishing my push-ups.

I turn to Aiden. He lay on the wooden floor puffed out. His face was red.

"Man, get up. You stopped at 874" I say as I kick him on his side. This triggers him to stand. He takes a swing, I duck and wrap my arm around his head. I hold him for a moment then we both break into laughter. Just then my uncle walked into my room with his eyebrows raised.

"I'm taking Liam won the bet and Aiden is doing the dishes" he says as he smiles.

"Yeah yeah, I'm going" Aiden replies. He gets up while I poke my tongue at him. He shakes his head and walks downstairs to the kitchen.

"Liam, I need to talk to you" My uncle says slowly as I take a gulp of water.

He starts walking downstairs, probably headed to his office. We usually go there to have serious conversations. I take another sip of water and put on my t-shirt as I follow him to his office.

"Shut the door" he says. I do as I am told and take a seat. Sitting across me, my uncle looked more anxious than angry. He was rubbing his forehead, opening and closing his fists.

"I need to tell you something" He says after a while. I give him a nod and he starts.

"I should've told you this years ago, I just thought I would never have to tell you this but it's about your parent's and" he looks up and clears his throat. 

"how they really passed away." he continues.

"Yeah, I know uncle, we were in a car crash but only I survived, isn't it?" I say

"No, you don't understand. Your father didn't want you to know the truth, he told me not to because he knew you would be safe with me and that you didn't need to know"

"Know what...?" I prompt him.

"They got hurt in a car crash, yes but you don't know the whole story. Since you passed out, that's why you only remember being at the hospital. You see after the accident the doctors found gunshot wounds..." he struggles to talk.

"They were shot? By?" I ask eagerly.

"Hunters...and they're back in town, our town" he says as he stares at me.

"Hunters!?" I say with gritted teeth. Anger bubbled through me instantly.

"What should we do then?" I ask urgently waiting for him to continue, but he doesn't.

"Thats something we need to work out but Liam, your father. He was the strongest werewolf, he was the Alpha of our pack. The Shadow Pack. Since he passed away this makes you..." He trails off waiting for me to continue.

"An alpha..." I voice out the thought. 

"Wait, why didn't you tell me, at least the fact that I'm alpha..." I ask him while processing this bit of information. I was staring at him waiting for an answer.

"All this time, I was left thinking why...why I'm not the same as the rest of them, always different..." I start.

"Always stronger and faster, these are the qualities of an Alpha and you, you need to embrace it because right now we need our Alpha" He continued.

"How do I do it..." I stare at him. Not every day you find out that you're an Alpha. This is all a bit overwhelming.

Not only Alpha, a leader of the Shadow Pack, only the strongest pack to exist. Which is now, my pack. The future of this pack now lays on my shoulders.

"That's for you to find out, Liam."

"Yeah, I guess so" I say as I look up to him.

"Come on, follow me." He gets up from his seat and I trail behind him. He walks to the kitchen.

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