When You Can't Sleep At Night

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TᕼIᔕ ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ Iᔕ ᗪEᗪIᑕᗩTEᗪ TO TᗯO ᔕOᑎGᔕ: ᗯᕼEᑎ YOᑌ ᑕᗩᑎ'T ᔕᒪEEᑭ ᗩT ᑎIGᕼT ᗷY Oᖴ ᗰIᑕE & ᗰEᑎ ᗩᑎᗪ ᒪᑌᒪᒪᗩᗷY ᗷY ᑎIᑕKEᒪᗷᗩᑕK.

I ᕼᗩᗪ TᕼE IᗪEᗩ Oᖴ ᗩ ᒪᑌᒪᒪᗩᗷY ᗯᕼEᑎ I ᗯᗩᔕ ᒪIᔕTEᑎIᑎG TO IT ᗷᑌT I ᗯᗩᔕ ᒪIᔕTEᑎIᑎG TᕼE TO ᗯᕼEᑎ YOᑌ ᑕᗩᑎ'T ᔕᒪEEᑭ ᗩT ᑎIGᕼT ᗯᕼEᑎ I ᗯᗩᔕ ᗯᖇITIᑎG TᕼIᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ TᕼEᔕE ᗩᖇE TᕼE ᒪYᖇIᑕᔕ TᕼᗩT IᑎᔕᑭIᖇEᗪ ᗰE

"Here in this world I'm awaked with mistakes but it's love that keeps fueling me, fueling me to love you. Miles away I can still feel you lay

your head down on my embrace.

Be not afraid, to love me.

Pretty little lady with your swollen eyes,

Would you show them to me?"



~A Few Days Later~

Gray was released from the hospital and he walked with Erza down the street to the train station to head back to Magnolia. Gray decided that since they were both a bit beaten up and it would be a long ride to pay $20 extra for a nice train that had beds. They waited on a bench for around 10 minutes until the train got there.

They got on and went to their compartment and Gray immediately went to the small twin sized bed in the corner of the small compartment. Erza slowly laid down next to him putting her head on his chest and cuddled up next to him. She fell asleep there and Gray just smiled and stroked her hair as she slept.

~A Few Hours Later~

Gray had been asleep for a while and he wasn't planning on waking up til he felt a movement. He slowly awoke and looked at Erza to see that she was trembling. He didn't wake her up, this had happened before.


It was when this Fairytail generation had been younger. Erza had fallen asleep at the guild and almost everyone had left. Master Makarov was about to leave and Gray had walked behind him. Gray looked back right before he was walking out the door to see Erza with her head laid down on a table and she was shaking. "Uhhh... Hey Gramps, should we leave Erza here like that?" Master nodded. "She'll be fine!" Master didn't seem to know she was having some type of nightmare or anything. Gray turned around and walked back into the guild and sat next to her even though she was asleep. A few tears fell out of Erza's eyes and Gray looked worried. He hugged Erza gently careful not to wake her up and he started humming softly. Almost as if it were a calming lullaby. Erza opened her eyes softly and she saw that it was Gray and she smiled softly and went back to sleep. Gray stayed there that night and didn't sleep at all. He hummed all night hoping her nightmares would not come back. From that point on Erza barely had nightmares and when she did, she would call Gray and he would walk all the way over to Fairy Hills and stayed with her at night.

~End of Flashback~

He held her close and brought her head closer to his far and he kissed her head and then started humming the way he always did. It wasn't working the same way it normally did and her tears started to form again. He softly shushed her and started stroking her hair again and continued his song. Her eyes fluttered open and she stared at him and she hid her eyes. "Erza stop... You don't have to hide your eyes, even if they are swollen and red from your tears... I understand." She looked at him and she smiled and a few tears of joy sprouted from her eyes and then she closed her eyes and laid her head back down on his chest and hugged him. "I've made many mistakes, but you definitely weren't one..."

Gray smiled, "Well I'm always here, even when you can't sleep at night..."


I ᕼOᑎEᔕTᒪY ᒪOᐯE TᕼIᔕ ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ, ᑕOᗰᗰEᑎT ᗯᕼᗩT YOᑌ TᕼIᑎK

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