Everything Matters

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You handed Philip a bowl of Mac'cheese, while you were talking to Alex. He ruffled Philip's hair.

"I'm heading to work buddy. What do you want get for dinner?"

"Pepperoni PIZZA!!!!!!"
Alex laughed, and hugs the child.

"Take care of mom. See you later, tonight."

You smile as he gives you a kiss on the cheek.

It's been about a year, Alex and you have been dating. Well. You didn't even call it that.

None of you haven't even kissed on lips yet. You don't even call yourselves a couple but Alex does.
It's makes you nervous and guilty. Especially when he's there..
John every night whenever Alex is hanging out or not. John....he's waits until you can talk to him. This drives you crazy, you know it's real. But something is telling you otherwise.
You look up from your phone, John gestures you to Angelica's and Philips room.

"I'll be right back, Philip. When your done put your bowl in the dishwasher."

You walk over to the room and see John kissing Angelica's head.

"What do you want?"

GeEz ThE lOvE iS sTiLl ThErE i SeE


YeAh, LoVe...

"Why would you even call it that? You're gone...I'm with Alex now.."

BuT yOu'Re NoT hApPy

"Yes, I am. Why do you care so much?!"

I sTiLl LoVe YoU, aNd YoU fEeL tHe SAme

"......................Just......leave me alone."

CaN i SeE mY sOn?

"Go ahead."

He floated out while you checked on Angelica.

  Time Skip brought you by Lams

Alex stormed through the door with a pizza box in hand. He throws on the counter when runs to our room.

I give Philip his food and run after Alex. You walk in to see Alex throwing his bag and sit on the bed.

"Babe--eer. Alexander. What's going on?"

He looks at you then a small smile comes on his face.

"I........blew my chance again. I'm fine."

You sat across from him. "Alex, I know you better than that. But if you down want to talk, that's fine."

Alex grabs your hand and starts kissing it. "Y/N....it's just that............can I kiss you?"

The words took you by surprise but you slowly started to lean in.

This is it. My first kiss with Alex..

He seals our lips together, you were kissing back until you pushed him away.

"Did.....I do something?"

You got up and looked out of the window. Tears ran down your face,

"I only want him....I only want John as a Lover........





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