32- Finn & TimeOuts

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- Mum?
- Yeah, Wyatt?
- I have something to tell you
- What's up, sweetie?
- I'm gay
She turns round and looks at us, holding hands.
- You're...?
- Gay- I finish her sentence
- Wait a second. Are you two dating?
Jaeden looks at me, and nods with a smile
Mum smiles and nods
- Okay
- Okay?
- That's what I said
- That's all?
- Yeah. I love you, it doesn't matter who you like
- Okay... thanks, mum
Where's my hug? Where's my "thanks for trusting in me"?
We come back to my bedroom and Jaeden kisses me on the lips
- We did it!
- Yeah...
- What's up? Aren't you happy?
- Yeah. I guess so
- What's wrong?
- Why do I feel like she celebrated the fact that you're gay, but she only accepted that I'm gay
- Are you kidding me? Cause you're her son. You just made her realize her baby Wyatt's into boys
- So what's wrong with that?
- It's not the most... "normal" thing, Wy. I mean, she took it pretty well
- But...
- What would she even say to me? You can't be gay? I'm just a friend of the family, she's not my mother and she can't tell me what to do with my life. But she's YOUR mum, and she can tell you what to do. She might wonder if she raise you the right way, or if she made some kind of mistake
- Just because I'm gay?
- Yeah. So if I were you, I would take the "Okay"
I fake a smile at him and hold his hands

As soon as I get back home, I run to the living room and talk to my parents
- A what?- mum asks
- A time out?- Nick frowns
- Yeah...
- Are you crazy?- dad yells at me
- No, dad! You're the one who always says we all need a break sometimes. Well... this is mine
- But, Finn. Your career is going so great. It's blowing up. In a few years you may even be nominated to an Oscar.
- The only thing that's gonna blow up is my brain, dad. How can you not get this?
- We do, Finnie.- mum starts- But I just can't understand how can you be so naive. I mean, you're giving up on your dream just for a boy
- It's not because of Jack!- I scream- I already told you a million times, my anxiety is gonna get me killed
- Don't say that- Nick whispers
- Nick? You're not on my side?
- I just... you love being famous so much
- I HATE being famous. I love acting
- Those two come together, sweetie- mum says
- If you're lucky enough. You know how many kids your age are dying to be you?
- Well they don't really know how it is
- What about Stranger Things?
- I'll talk to the Duffers
- How much time?
- Six months
- Okay. Who are you going with?
- I don't know yet. Jack's only about to accept the part
- What are you talking about?- dad asks- He took the role weeks ago
- No, he didn't
- I'm his manager. I made the call myself
I look down.
Is that true? Was Jack lying?
I run upstairs and call Jack
- Hey, Froggie
- Is it true?
- What?
- Did you take the role weeks ago?
I can feel my heart raising
- Yeah. Sorry
- You lied to me
- Finn...
- You lied to me
- I did, but listen...
- Why?
- I felt so guilty
- I would've been proud of you; you just had to tell me about it
- I'm so sorry, Finn. I don't know what I was thinking
- Anything else you wanna tell me?
- No...
- No more secrets?
- No more secrets
- Cool. Bye
- So you're not mad?
- Oh, don't get me wrong. Of course I am.
He stays quiet
- But I can't do anything about it. Can I?
- Probably not. Scream at me, maybe
- Not worth it
- Okay. Bye babe
- Bye
He ends the call, and I record a video, explaining everything to my fans
- Hey guys. I'm Finn, from IT and Stranger Things, and the new show The Losers Club. I just wanted to ask for your forgiveness because I know many of you will be mad because of what I'm about to do. So, short story, as most of you know, I suffer from ANXIETY, and panic attacks. I've been able to control both for most of my life, but I can't anymore. The attacks are more frequent than they were and it terrifies me. Even though I wish I could keep living my life as it is right now, I can't, cause I'm afraid I end up appealing to dangerous things. So I decided I'm gonna take a break. If I don't, I won't be able to act anymore, cause the anxiety will soon destroy me and take me to dark places I don't even wanna talk about. This doesn't mean I'm not gonna act anymore; it's just a six-month break, and then I'll be back. Thank you all for your support; you're amazing and I love you. Bye, and I'll see you soon
He smiles at the camera and stops the video
Then, I upload it to youtube and Instagram and leave to the Duffers' house
- Finn?- they ask.- What did you just do?
- A break? Really?
- Just six months
- What are we supposed to do now? Killing Mike off?
- I don't think that's necessary, but if you think that's the right thing to do, I'll accept it...
- Six months. That's all we're waiting
- Thank you guys.
I hug them
- Okay. Bye, Finn
I leave, and come back home.
Nick receives me, with bad news
- Have you seen this?- he shows me a video.
It's Jack. Smoking
- Is that pot?
- It is. What the fuck is he doing?
- Smoking, Nicholas
- Why? Did you know about this?
- No. I didn't
- Well now you do
- Leave it alone, Nick.
I walk upstairs and close my door
What the fuck is going on here? First, he lies to me about the role, and now he smokes without telling me a thing. I literally just asked him if he had any other secret
I call him
- Finn?
- So you smoke now? What the fuck Jack!? Stop fucking lying to me. This is strike 2. Okay? One more lie and you're out. Okay, you fucker?
- I'm sorry- he's crying
- I wasn't that harsh. Was it because of the bad words?- I ask, worried
- No, Finn. I just found out my dad is in the hospital.
- What?
- A neighbor just found him on the floor. Apparently he's really bad.
FUCK. Now I feel like a total asshole. I mean, I got mad at him just for smoking a joint meanwhile he's suffering because of his dad's health. I'm such a terrible boyfriend
- I'm coming
- No, Finn. Don't. I just called Wyatt and he's gonna go with me. We'll talk about the video when I see you. Promise
- No... it's okay. You sure you don't want me there?
- Nah. I know how much you hate hospitals
- I'll go if you want me there
- No. I'm fine
- Okay... bye. Let me know if something happens
- I will. Bye

Just a few minutes after Jaeden and Wyatt arrive, a doctor comes near us
- Mr Grazer?
- Yeah?
- I'm doctor Callaghan. I just wanted to tell you that your dad's awake
I walk through the halls until I find room 230
- Hey...- I whisper
Dad's barely conscious
- He's in drugs.- the doc says
- Oh, okay.
- I'll leave you two alone.
I stay by his side for a while, and he finally looks at me, and talks
- Jack...
- Daddy?
- I kicked Jana out
- What?
- I kicked her out just like I did with you. She promise she'll come back when I finally die
- So she didn't abandon us?
- Of course not, kiddo
- You're an amazing person, dad.
- I love you.
- Love you more
Suddenly, he closes his eyes and I panic.
- Dad?
One of the machines start making a weird sound, and three doctors run inside the room
I start crying, as Dr Callaghan comes into the room, and makes me go out
Wyatt and Jaeden run at me and hug me
- Is he dead?- I ask
- No, son. He'll be fine
We sit again and wait for like half an hour. Doc Callaghan walks straight to us. He looks like something's wrong
- How is he?
- He's fine. He's back, but...
- But?- Jaeden asks
He kneels down in front of me
- He's not coming back home. I'm sorry, kid.
- What do you mean?- Wyatt has tears on his eyes.
- He's pretty bad, and we think it's better if he stays here
- For how long?- I ask.
Stupid question. I don't wanna know the answer
- He... doesn't have much left. I'm so sorry
He is. You can easily see it in his eyes. He's as heartbroken as we are.
- Thank you for everything, doctor Callaghan.- I say, before leaving the hospital.
- Jack? Jack! Come back
As I was walking out of the hospital, Wyatt and Jaeden screamed my name a million times, but they didn't follow me. I wish they would've. I think I need my friends...
I kinda get them tho. They may think I need some time alone... and thinking straight, I do. All I need right now is something sharp. I'll just get something sharp and suddenly, everything will be okay.

Forbidden Love/ Fack/ Jyatt (Book 1) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now