Burnt Cookies (SMUT)

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With the whole Skywalker-Solo-Organa family over for the Holidays it had been quite stressful.

Why did Rey think this was a great idea? Kylo had tried to warn her.

Rey had been preparing for all the cooking she would have to do tomorrow on Christmas.

Sighing, she finished cutting up the last of the veggies and stored them in tupperware.

Kylo hadn't have been much help either, since he had a headache from arguing with his dad.

"Rey, we were going to go look at all the Christmas decorations around the block." Leia stuck her head in the kitchen. "Do you want to come?"

"No. I was going to make some cookies." Rey replied grabbing out some Philbury's cookie dough from the fridge.

"Dear, you've been cooking all day." Leia told her, rubbing a hand against her back.

"No, just cutting veggies and making sure everything is thawing out." Rey sighed again. "Besides baking cookies always calms me and when you return, you'll have some warm cookies to eat. I can make hot chocolate too."

"Well that does sound nice."

"Go have fun." Rey smiled and gave her mother-in-law a hug.

"Is Kylo going?" Rey asked as they began to leave.

"No, says he has a bad headache." Kylo's grandmother Padme replied.

"I think he's faking it." Kylo's father, Han, replied putting a leash on his dog, Chewbacca.

Rey smiled back and rolled her eyes. "I'll check on him. Have fun."

"Thanks dear." Leia replied looping her arm through Han's.

They exited out the front door that Anakin, Kylo's grandfather, held open for them and disappeared into the dark with only a pair of flashlights lighting their way until they could find some Christmas lights to stare at.

Rey headed upstairs to find her husband and see if he was really faking it.

She opened her bedroom door to the completely dark room and stood in the door way allowing some light to shine through.

"Hey Babe." Kylo spoke softly. "How is everything?"

"They all just left to look at Christmass lights, said you had a headache."

"Yeah, blame my father for that."

"Well I'm baking cookies, you want the first one when I'm done?" She asked.

"Warm cookies are tempting to leave the bedroom." He hummed.

She walked over to the bed where he laid and kissed his forehead, pushing back some of his hair from his face. "Well, they should be ready shortly."

"So we have time?" He asked her, perking up some, and shifting to sit up.

"Well no I should probably-"

Kylo pulled her into his lap and began kissing his wife passionately on the lips.

Rey giggled and ran her hands through his hair.

He leaned her down on the bed next to him until she was almost laying, and ran a hand under her shirt.

The smoke alarm started blasting causing both to sit up and look around.

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