Breathe (TLJ Spoilers!)

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Video note: Just found this and thought I'd share, plus it'd give you some imagines of scenes I will be retelling.


A/N: Some parts will be from the movie. Credits to Rian Johnson for said parts.

Rey's POV
I secured the strap around my thigh and glanced down, smoothing out my wraps.

I look up to the mirror only it isn't the mirror.

"Glad to see you dried off." He tells me. "That's a nice color on you." He observes my new clothes. "Darker than your past two outfits."

"Where are you?" I ask bluntly.

"Chasing the rebel fleet. We are nearing Crait."

Chasing the rebel fleet? I think to myself. He's going to kill them. I have to turn him.

I blink and turn my glaze to his questioning eyes.

"I'm coming to you."

A knock from Chewbacca draws my attention and I turn to the door, but look quickly back once more and swear I see a small smile, before he disappears.

Breathe. I think to myself.

- - -

I hold the lightsaber to my chest, as I wait to be launched from the Falcon and directed to the First Order, on Snoke's ship.

I'm suddenly released from the Falcon and see the dark shade of space around me from my small viewport.

I try to keep my breathing easy and steady, as I know I will finally see him in person.

A ceiling appears and I feel myself land. I can not see for sure who is around me, but know there is a "welcoming party".

The air releases a whiteish grey mist like fog around me and I suddenly know where to look.

Just like a force bond call, the misty fog clears and I find myself looking at him.

Looking into his eyes.

We stare at each other for a moment.

I'm surprised by his silence and furrow my brows in question.

The smallest hint of a smile and he walks off.

I glance to the troopers who steps forward. One shows a pair of handcuffs and opens them.

I swallow hard and the other grabs my arm, taking me from my pod.

I freely offer my hands in front of me and once cuffed, they take my saber.

One guard on either side and we follow in the direction Kylo Ren went.

It was Kylo who greeted me, but I could see Ben peeking through to me.

I could feel the conflict on what to do with me, now that I'm here.

We approach an elevator and he appears again.

"Leave us." He tells the guards and they had my saber over to him.

He accepts it and a the small smile peeks out again.

It's almost like a game to see if I can catch it.

He glances up to me and the doors open, drawing our attention.

He steps in, passing me, and motions me in.

I oblige, trusting him, because if there's any hope on me making it off this ship alive... it'll be with his help... and hopefully with him coming back.

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