I'll Get You (SMUT)

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Rey's POV
The sound of the door slamming shut wakes me.

My body is sprawled out on the bed, but not for my own comfort.

I feel the restraints around my wrists and ankles and tug my right hand.

"I've made sure they're tight enough that you can't break free." A soothing voice tells me.

A sudden whoosh of cold air sweeps over my naked body and a shiver passes throughout me.

"You've been a naughty, naughty girl Rey." He tells me and begins climbing up my body.

He begins kissing my hips and slowly makes his way to my breasts.

I catch of glimpse of Kylo's raven locks in the moonlight and he glances up, as he harshly takes my hardening nipple into his mouth.

I gasp in pain and pleasure. The mixing of the two tensing my body.

His hands brushes up my thigh and I choose to hold my breath.

He let's go of my nipple with a pop.

"You shouldn't have teased me at work." He whispers. "Do you know how hard you made work for me today?"

I smile to myself in the dark remembering the dirty pictures I sent.

"I can only imagine." I breathe out. "How hard you were."

His hand slowly moves up my thigh. "Of course you were thinking about that." His hand spreads my folds and I feel his fingers begin teasing me, slowly brushing my clit and glazing over my enterance. "You're already wet for me."

My breathing picks up and I can feel my heart pound in my chest. "Please." I whisper for him.

"Please what Rey?"

"Please touch me."

"Hmmm." He hums and runs my clit. "Why should I be good to you, when you teased me?"

"Because you started this." I say and he pulls his hand away. "Kylo." I beg.

"That's not a good enough reason."

"Kylo." I beg again. "Please."

"Are you going to be a good girl?"

"Yes, I'll be good."

His hand comes back, but he slides a finger in me instead.

"I promise." I breathe out and he begins pumping his digit in and out.

"Rey." He says my name and I feel his face brush against my neck.

"Kylo." I breathe out.

"You shouldn't be rewarded for bad behavior." He slides out.

I sigh in defeat. "Maybe, but you're enjoying it too."

His teeth sink into my neck and I call out, pulling against the restraints.

I hear him chuckle and pull away.

I feel the weight on the bed cease and I look around for him.

"Good night Rey."

"Kylo?" I search desperately for him.

The door opens and I find him leaving.

"Kylo." I call for him again and he shuts the door. "Kylo Ren, I'll get you for this!"

A/N: I'm sorry I haven't posted in forever! I got writer's block on this and now I've given up on it 😭 so here's a hella short chapter for you. I promise I'll write again soon!

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