If I Asked

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Rey's POV
This was a rather dangerous planet to be on, seeing as it was under First Order control, but we needed supplies.

Chewbacca landed the Falcon on the unmarked landing pad and we could see the regular civilians trying to keep their head low in case the First Order decided to check in on them.

"I'll go get us the food cargo." I approach Finn, who hasn't left Rose's side.

He gives a silent nod, but remains focused on her.

"Hey." Poe whispers and I turn my attention to him. "Mind if I tag along?"


"Thanks, Leia said my face and voice is too recogizable and would put the main group at risk." Poe explains

"Yeah, that's why she won't sent me with them as well." I tell him, knowing where he's coming from.

The main group departs and we stay on board a bit longer, waiting for the General to give us the all clear.

"Stay out of trouble you two." General Organa tells us.

"Hard to get into any without an X-Wing to blow things up."

"Or a lightsaber to destroyed things." I join in on the fun.

The general gives a soft chuckle. "Seriously, just get the food and come back."

"Yes General." I smile.

"Ready Rey?" Poe asks.

"Let's go." I reply and we head out.

"Okay, so we just need to find anyone transporting food and take a couple crates. No big deal." I tell Poe.

"Except for the stormtroopers approaching." Poe whispers and grabs my arm.

We take off down an alley.

"Crates, check them." I tell Poe.

I open a few finding my own empty.

"Empty." He confirms.

"Check down the alley for those two suscipious looking humans." I over hear a stormtrooper ordered.

"Quick in the crates." I lift the lid off one.

Poe scrambles into one and I place the lid on his, then grab my own.

I almost have it on correctly when I hear footsteps.

They close in on Poe and I and I hold my breathe.

"Hey! Those are my crates! What are you doing?" A male voice shouts.

"I am just checking for suscipious activity." The almost robotic voice of the stormtrooper replies.

"My empty crates aren't any of ya business." The male tells him. "Now beat it."

I'm taken back by the attitude of the man to the stormtrooper, but also thankful.

There's a sound of footsteps leaving and the man loading some crates on some kind of mover and then his footsteps leaving.

I slid the crate lid off and see a couple empty crates around me... except Poe's crate.

"Great." I groan and climb out.

I swiftly make my way back around to the landing pad.

"You there!" I freeze. "Hands in the air!"

I slowly raise my hands.

"Where's your weapon?" The stormtrooper asks with a gun pointed at me.

"I have no weapon." I tell him.

He gives a sarcastic laugh. "Lies." He roughly pats me down. "Maybe not. Hands out in front." He commands and cuffs me. "Alright, let's go." He grabs my arm and begins taking me to a transport.

- - -

The shuttle lands and the stormtrooper from before grabs my arm roughly again.

I give him a glare, that he ignores.

He guides me through the squads of troopers and we go to a empty hallway, making our way to where ever command is.

"You will take me directly to Kylo Ren." I say, trying to tap into his mind.

"No, I'm taking you to-"

"You will directly take me to Kylo Ren."

He freezes. "I will directly take you to Kylo Ren." He turns around and takes a turn we passed. We follow down the hallway and we come to an elevator.

He hits the button and his grip loosens on my arm.

The elevator opens and we step inside.

When the doors reopen I'm surprised to see an officer at a panel.

"What cell is Kylo Ren in?" He asks.

"Cell 1231." He replies, eyeing me. "Put her in cell 1110."

"Yes sir, right away sir." He replies.

His grip tightens on my arm and I know the mind trick has worn off.

He guides me to cell 1110 and opens the door.

I grab his armour and shove him in.

Prepared to fight for my freedom and catching him off guard, I kick him and he hits his head against the metal bench. Thankfully knocking him out, so I don't have to put up more of a fight than I have to.

- - -

Kylo's POV
I sit on the bench with my hand stretched out towards the door, trying to use the force to open it.

The door suddenly opens, but in steps a stormtrooper.

I eye them for a second realizing how short they are.

"Hux must be running out of tall stormtroopers." I joke, trying to annoy them, as I stand to tower over them by a few inches.

The stormtrooper reaches up, removing their helmet.

"Who you calling short?" Rey smiles at me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I was about to ask you that." She raises an eyebrow.

"Hux found out I murdered Snoke."

"I mind tricked a stormtrooper to take me to you after being caught sneaking around."

"Sneaking around where?" I ask.

"Does it matter."

"Well assuming you were with the resistance." I push into her mind some. "You were."

She pushes me out. "I'm not giving you the location."

"Doesn't matter. I've been labelled a traitor, so are you here to watch me get executed or take me back to the resistance?" I ask.

"I... I don't know... I was hoping you would help me escape." Her face softens.

I chuckle. "Must say I'm surprised Supreme Leader Hux hasn't shoved his new title in-"

"Ben." She stops me. "Will you come back if I asked you too?"

I take a step towards her. "Why don't you ask me and find out?"

I watch as her eyes glance towards my belt and find my lightsaber missing.

I bring my hands together and remove one glove.

She reaches out a single hand and I reach out with my own ungloved hand, taking hers in mine.

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