Chapter 4

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Author's Note: Why does Kylo look like a straight up psycho in that pic I posted . . . Oh wait because he is. Enjoy the chapter :)

"Kylo, I --" I started, but he quickly interrupted me.

"Not now, Nira. Please." Kylo Ren gently pressed a hand to my shoulder and walked straight past me without even turning his mask to look at my face.

I watched him quickly exit the hall, shoving past citizens and leaving me completely alone.


I slowly walked out of the hall after the majority of citizens had left and the sound of chatter had greatly subdued. 

I felt a sinking sensation in my gut and not many thoughts went through my head; mainly I felt mildly hurt by Kylo's disregard of me. I had simply figured that he would maybe look to me to calm him down or for some consolation of sorts. I simply felt . . . Insignificant.

I would easily let how he ignored me go, however; I knew he was probably enraged at that moment so I could understand his need to be alone. 

In fact, I was nearly grateful that he was so kind to me in a time of fury and stress.

I also knew Kylo was probably headed to go hunt down the employee who had asked the questions that challenged his lead of the First Order. 

So I made my way out of the debate hall and headed to one of my favorite places in the battle station that I had recently discovered. 

In the hangars of the base there are small maintenance rooms underneath the TIE fighter stations meant for equipment, extra ship parts, and tools specifically for fixing TIE fighters. For the most part these rooms remain entirely vacant since TIE fighters are, for the most part, in pristine condition; and to be honest, TIE fighters don't get merely scratched up. They either report back to the base victorious or get blown up in a battle. 

I usually find my way to these small rooms when I'm feeling stressed out, need a quiet place to think, or to cry, or when I just need to be alone. 

Right now was a time where I felt all of those things. I headed straight for the maintenance room I usually went to. 

I made my way throughout the base and hangar entirely undisturbed by other employees, but when I opened up the room and walked in there was somebody in there, messing with the ship maintenance tools in the corner of the room. 

I began to reverse back over the threshold but the person heard me enter. They quickly stood up and turned around to face me. 

I recognized the young blonde man from the debate who had asked the pressing questions regarding Kylo's rule. My mouth fell open. 

"You!" I accused, stepping back into the room, "Why would you ask those questions?! What are you doing in here?" 

"Low councilwoman Nira Leven! It's an honor." The man grinned, walking up to me and sticking out his hand for me to shake. 

I grimaced, and he slowly let his hand fall, but his excited smile remained on his features. 

"Do you realize what peril you have put yourself in? The stress you have put me in? The controversy you have sparked within the organization?" I exclaimed, throwing my hands outwards in exasperation. 

The man slowly shrugged. "Sorry, but I stand by my beliefs. Kylo Ren is a psycho. I can't trust him as supreme leader, and I don't know how you trust him as a man -- as a husband." 

My face set into a stone glare. My fingertips itched with electricity and the urge to slap his face. 

"Go ahead, kill me. It'll only prove my point." The man said as if he were reading my mind. He wasn't grinning now -- he was challenging me. 

The Flame (sequel to Kidnapped by Kylo Ren)Where stories live. Discover now