Chapter 4 - Loyalty

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Chapter 4 - Loyalty

All of the shinobi who tried out for ANBU had been summoned to HQ today to find out whether they had been accepted. Hitori watched as two were knocked back, and the one before her walked out with their mask, showing that they had gotten in. She was called into the office last and immediately noticed that there was another mask on the table. Standing in front of the desk, leaning against it casually, was the same authoritative figure with the dark red cloak and black mask from the tryout day.

"Sokkenai Hitori. You did well on the test and have been accepted into the ranks of the Konoha ANBU. Congratulations." He handed her the mask, and she bowed as she accepted it with both hands.

"Thank you for accepting me. I will work hard," Hitori spoke before she rose back up to her full height, and the black-masked man nodded for her to be on her way.

She placed her mask inside her vest pocket to hide it while she went back to her apartment, practically skipping the entire way with excitement. She hadn't expected to get in, but she had obviously shown herself to be worthy and would work hard to ensure she showed them that they made the right choice. Saving lives wasn't always what medics did, but ANBU definitely had higher stakes and more importance. ANBU missions also tended to be worth more money, not that money was a hugely motivating factor for her.

As she returned home, she pulled her mask out and placed it on her small dining table. It was black on one side and plain white on the other, aside from a curved black line underneath the eyehole. She smiled at it and figured that it was perfect for her. Half shadowed and half light. Immediately, she wanted to run and find Sakura to tell her, but she was away on a mission. She thought of Haruko, but he was Captaining a mission and wouldn't get back until next week.

A sigh escaped her, and although she was happy with being accepted, she couldn't ignore the wave of loneliness that washed over her...

One month later

The entire village was buzzing with anticipation at the message that had gone out the day before. The Hokage herself had asked all shinobi and civilians who wished to hear the announcement she had to gather in front of the Hokage tower at midday today, and Hitori was making her way there now. The crowd was already massive, and she figured that the Jonin already knew what was happening, but the time had come to tell the rest of the village. The elder Jonin had recently become a much more significant political force in the village, and Hitori knew that something big was happening. Although it wasn't something you could put your finger on, something had been weird the last few weeks. Just a feeling in the air, nothing identifiable.

She had pressed Sakura for information earlier in the week, but the younger woman had clammed up and not said a word. Hitori hadn't asked her again, knowing that it was obviously too important to reveal yet, even though her curiosity was killing her slowly. You'll find out when the time is right, Sakura had said, and evidently the time was now.

A moment later, the current Hokage, Senju Tsunade, walked out onto the balcony of the Hokage tower and the large group all bowed as best they could, shoulder to shoulder. Kakashi stood on her left and back a few steps, looking uncharacteristically serious and authoritative. The blonde took a breath to speak, and the entire crowd was silent as the grave as she relayed her message.

"Citizens of Konoha. I'm sure some of you have noticed something strange or out of place these last few weeks. I am here today to fill you in on the details of what has been happening now that the details have been finalised." She wasn't exactly yelling, but the quiet from the people around meant she didn't have to.

"Several weeks ago, Team Seven captured a man who has been believed to be Konoha's enemy for many years. But through his capture, we have discovered, and I personally have confirmed the facts, that Konoha's elders committed a great sin against this man and our village."

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