Chapter 35 - Summoned

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Chapter 35 - Summoned

2 days later

Hitori was lazing around at home when a chakra signature appeared at her door and knocked to announce their presence. When she opened it, she recognised it was one of the Hokage's runners.

"Sokkenai Hitori. You are summoned to the Hokage's office."

"Thank you." She placed down the bowl she was currently washing out and wiped her hands on her pants to dry them.

The runner disappeared in a flutter of leaves, and she sat down in the doorway to put her shoes on. After she was done, she headed out and went straight to the Hokage Tower and let Shizune know she was there. She was sent straight in, bowed low to the Hokage herself, and saw Hatake Kakashi on a chair near her desk. It seemed like he wanted nothing more than to escape out the open window but stayed put anyway. She gave him a bow, too.

"Sokkenai. You have been personally requested for a very special mission." Tsunade's voice sounded, not even taking her eyes off the paperwork she was currently shuffling through before she passed it off to Kakashi on her left, who took it after a silent groan.

"I've been personally requested?" She asked in confusion since such a thing wasn't all too common. Especially when she was in ANBU and wasn't exactly famous among Konoha shinobi as a result.

"Yes, by the Mizukage herself."

Even Kakashi looked up at this, his revealed eye wide at the Hokage's words before he looked over to Hitori, obviously seeing her similar reaction. Her jaw had dropped, and she reminded herself to close it, lest she look like an idiot, although it was probably too late now. She had only expected a mission from someone within the village who already knew her, but this was insane.

"T-the Mizukage? Um, how..." she trailed off and shook her head, unable to complete her sentence.

"She asked for 'the female medic who saved the lives of two of my shinobi several weeks ago'. Kakashi checked ANBU records." Tsunade paused, giving her a chance to confirm. She nodded before the older woman continued. "Right. She has requested that you train a team of field medics to get them up to scratch."

Hitori was confident that this was a dream. There was no way that the Mizukage herself had asked for her to train her medics, let alone even requested her in the first place. She was sure that there was a mistake. There must have been someone else who helped out Kiri ANBU somewhere, and she had gotten them confused with her.

"Hokage, I can't see how it's possible she has asked me to do this." She ran a hand through her hair, still trying to be respectful while she was in shock.

"I read the report for that mission. It was you who took over healing their agents after you came across the same targets and saved their lives." Hitori stayed quiet, and she continued. "What were they doing wrong when you took over?"

"They were trying to deal with all of the problems at once. Stop blood loss, treat shock, close wounds and heal fractures. They weren't skilled enough to multitask and just ended up making little to no difference in healing them." Hitori relaxed a little, more comfortable talking about medical procedures that she understood better.

"You told them to," she looked down at a sheet of paper in front of her, "'Move the hell aside and let someone competent fix them.'" An upward inflection asked her to confirm again, and she balked before nodding, hoping she wouldn't get in trouble for this. Tsunade chuckled and nodded.

"They were both bleeding out. I got annoyed." She scratched the back of her head, and Tsunade chuckled again. Even Kakashi purposely looked away so she wouldn't see his eye crinkling in amusement.

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