Chapter 50 - Für Immer Deins (Forever Yours)

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Chapter 50 - Für Immer Deins (Forever Yours)

It was a lovely day, and Hitori picked up her pace as she got closer to Konoha. The surroundings were still reasonably familiar, but the trees and plants were bigger, showing how much time had passed since she last came this way. Her senses pricked carefully as she could feel a small group approaching, and they were coming fast. It seemed that one was lagging, and they were clearly injured. The chakra of one of them became familiar, and she realised that it was Haruko. Immediately, she became excited and happy, but then her professional side took over when she realised someone was injured with him.

Flaring out her chakra so he would sense her, he directed his cell towards her, and they came into view a minute later, dropping from the trees to her position on the ground.

"What is it?" She asked Haruko, who she recognised with his mask on, even without sensing his chakra.

"Sword wound. Severed an artery." Haruko responded calmly, making no fuss about seeing her for the first time in almost 2 years. They would do that later.

"I've done my best, but I'm out of chakra and soldier pills." The medic in the group was a man whose voice she didn't recognise, and she nodded at his answer.

Hitori gestured for the injured shinobi to sit down as she moved their cloak to examine the wound. It had sliced directly across their throat and down the chest at an angle. The bleeding had slowed considerably, but the wound was still open, only being covered by a hastily applied bandage that she removed. She noticed a few errors in the medic's healing and waved for him to come down to her level.

For the next 15 minutes, she healed their comrade as she talked him through the theory that she had been repeating like a broken record for over 18 months. He seemed to understand her explanation, and he took her feedback well. Despite her intention to just give some assistance and get them on their way, she had fallen into the habit of teaching, but she supposed it was worth the effort if it helped him heal heavy trauma more efficiently.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to turn that into a lecture. I've spent a long time teaching this same thing." She helped the female shinobi, who thanked her quietly and got the inkling they smiled at her behind their mask.

"That's okay. I learnt a lot, actually... Wait, are you the medic that was teaching in Kiri?" He asked suddenly, and she stared wide-eyed momentarily before nodding.

"How the hell do you know about that?" Her tone was incredulous and may have come off as rude, but they didn't seem to react like it was.

"Most people in the hospital know. And the Commander has been holding the position of 3IC Medic for when you got back. He wants you to develop a training program for ANBU medics."

Despite the surprising news that Itachi had this in mind for her, she didn't let it show and acted as if she knew, although Haruko could probably see through her guise.

"I just didn't realise it was common knowledge." She turned back to the shinobi that was injured to address them. "Any dizziness?"

"No, much better. Thank you." Her voice was soft and appreciative.

"Alright. Go on ahead. I'm sure you need to report in." She gestured for them to keep on their way.

Haruko took a few steps before he turned to look over his shoulder, walking backwards so as not to lose his team.

"Tomorrow?" he asked with the familiar glint in his eye that she could see through his mask. She could tell that he was smiling underneath it.

"Tomorrow." She confirmed simply and grinned at him before she watched his back and the rest of his cell continue swiftly towards Konoha.

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