Chapter 33 - Poison

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Chapter 33 - Poison

Hitori reached the hospital in record time; obviously, her training with Itachi had helped her speed. There was a cell of Chunin who was in the emergency room with severe poisoning, similar to the ones from Swamp she had encountered before. She swore under her breath and took a place next to Sakura, who was healing the female of the group. Hitori turned and began working on the boy in the bed behind her as Sakura briefed her on what had happened so far. They were all bleeding from their nostrils, eyes and ears and were as pale as the sheets they laid on. However, the poison didn't have the same ingredients that she was used to breaking down, and she wasn't sure how to proceed.

"Sakura, this poison isn't something I've encountered before. How are you treating it?" She asked calmly, although she was concerned.

"Hitori, I sent for you because I hoped you might have a better idea." Sakura's voice was quiet, just loud enough for her to hear, but Hitori knew she was stressed. She could almost feel it in the air despite how calm Sakura's tone was.

"Hmm, I'm not sure how to best approach breaking it down as I haven't treated a poison like this before. Doing it wrong could mean we kill them immediately."

The other medics treating them were doing their best, but it would be all they could do to stabilise them and continue healing the damage from the poison. They would have to either experiment and risk killing one of their patients or try to find answers elsewhere. Sakura ordered the medics to get every book they had on poisons and look for something that matched their symptoms and the ingredients they knew.

They worked their best for the next two hours and managed to stabilise all four of them but had no luck learning how to break down the poison. They would have to do it the hard way and develop an antidote. Thankfully, Sakura remembered something that Kankuro had taught her years earlier about a rare plant in Suna that he had heard of. They had developed an antidote for it in the Suna hospital, but she had never worried about making it since both the antidote and the poison required ingredients that didn't grow in Fire Country. It made sense that it was so rare due to this, and the Chunin were on a mission near the border of Wind Country. Everything was adding up. Sakura explained this to Hitori as Shizune took over for them so they could rest.

"So Suna has an antidote?"

"I think this is the same kind of poison, so I hope it's the right one. It presents all the same symptoms, and the base ingredients are the same. It's just the ones we haven't encountered that I'm unsure of." Sakura said with more confidence than she probably felt.

"Alright, I'll go to Suna and get everything I can to help," Hitori said as she stood up from her chair.

"That's crazy. It will take you days to get there and back. They might not have that long." Sakura was doing her best to be strong, but she was clearly upset at the idea that they might be unable to help them in time.

"Better than doing nothing. I'll race over there and back with everything I can." She began leaving the emergency area but called over her shoulder to Sakura. "Send a message ahead for Suna to prepare what we need!"

She went back to her apartment and geared up. She wanted to say goodbye to Itachi but knew she didn't have time for anything. He would know that something was wrong and that she couldn't stay. Within two minutes, she was ready to go. There was blood and saline on her clothes, but that wasn't important right now. Grabbing a large pack of soldier pills, she took one immediately and shut her front door behind her. She then leapt from the open window at the end of the hall, which was closest to the village gates, and sprinted there, only to find a Chunin runner waiting there for her. He was a bit younger than her, but she did recognise him. His name was Nakamura, and she was glad to have some backup for the mission. If she was too exhausted to continue, he would be there to bring the antidotes back. She needed to make it so Suna could ensure they got the right stuff, but she wanted to be there to help with the treatment.

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