Chapter 45 - Game Face

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Chapter 45 - Game Face

Hitori was heading into the hospital, and she was only metres from the front door when a masked shinobi called her name.

"Sokkenai. The Mizukage has summoned you."

"Understood." She turned and immediately ran toward the Mizukage Tower.

The door was open when she arrived, and the Mizukage was waiting for her. There was someone else in the room, too. It was a younger shinobi, maybe chunin-aged, and he was cut up and bloodied. Hitori looked to the Mizukage in alarm, who gave her a nod; it was a simple gesture that she called her to heal him while he gave her his urgent report.

She began working immediately and was shocked that the young man was still conscious. He had evidently lost a lot of blood and was pale from the shock of his wounds. Although somewhat surprised that she was the one summoned to help, considering she was from Konoha, she was glad to help. The young man spoke, giving his report as best he could, and Hitori couldn't help but listen in. Apparently, a group of bandits had moved through some of the nearby smaller villages and had been stealing food, money and valuables along the way. He had gotten into a scuffle with one of them after scouting to see what was going on and had thankfully escaped death.

Once he had given his report, the Mizukage dismissed him and sent him to the hospital for further treatment. He gave Hitori a quiet thanks for her help, and she bowed, intending to personally escort him to the hospital.

"Hitori, will you please stay? Chojuro. Please escort him to the hospital." The Mizukage spoke, and they nodded in understanding and obeyed her orders.

Once Chojuro and the young shinobi had left, Hitori stood at attention to listen to the Mizukage.

"Thank you for that. I would like you and your students to go and investigate this. They will be able to fight if need be and to heal as well. I will organise for an ANBU cell to accompany you. How soon can you leave?"

"They will be in the classroom now, so I'll ask them to pack, and we will leave within the hour," Hitori replied immediately. She had her medical kit but not all of her weaponry. There would also need to be some soldier pills and extra medical supplies sorted out, but she could get that organised along with those who lived closest to the hospital while the others packed.

"Alright. Get going. I'll send a team to meet you at the gate." The Mizukage nodded once to dismiss her, and she bowed and left the room.

She took off at a run and asked one of the orderlies to start organising travel packs for her as quickly as possible before heading down to the classroom. She was already roughly half an hour late, which she had never been before, so they were surprised when she burst into the room with no cause for ceremony.

"We have a mission. Ensure you have plenty of weapons and medical supplies, and pack any food you can. I'm not sure how long we will be gone. I'll need a few of you to assist me in getting travel packs together as well. We meet at the gate in one hour. If you're late, I'll kill you myself after the mission is over." Announcing with authority, she didn't wait to see their reactions or let them ask questions. As she walked away, she heard them scurry to pack up their things, and she saw a few of them go past her, rushing to get their stuff.

She returned to the orderly, who was getting several packs ready, and started to help. Not knowing how long they would be gone would make packing difficult. Thankfully, since they would have an ANBU team with them and so many people, she could send back for extra supplies if needed. A few of her students assisted, and she was glad she didn't have to tell them to.

It took roughly 25 minutes for her and the others to get their things together, and she zipped back to her apartment to get her own things. Not bothering to go through the front door, she hopped up and clambered into her apartment through the window. She changed into mission-appropriate attire as quickly as possible and armed herself well. Within another few minutes, she went back out of her window and closed it behind her before she dashed off to the front gate.

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