Chapter 42 - Adjusting

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Chapter 42 - Adjusting

Hitori was currently heading to the Mizukage Tower with Chojuro, and they headed straight into her office when they arrived. Chojuro took his regular place at the Mizukage's side as Hitori bowed low on entry and approached her desk.

"Good afternoon." Hitori gave her a nod of greeting, and she smiled in return.

"Good afternoon, Hitori. It seemed everyone was having a good time earlier at the training grounds." Her voice was calm and held no hint of what she was thinking, so Hitori just ran with it.

"Yes, that was the idea. To blow off some steam, develop bonds and improve teamwork. I've assigned them to work at the hospital next week, so I wanted them to ensure they could work together first." She smiled as she spoke, hoping that she wasn't in trouble.

"It was good to see them enjoying themselves. I think you are a better teacher than you initially expected." The Mizukage's response encouraged her to answer, and Hitori considered it momentarily before she replied.

"I think so. I feel that I've developed enough of a rapport with them to get through to them, and they have been respectful and hard-working so far." The Mizukage nodded at her answer.

"Good to hear. However, I do have one concern." Hitori felt herself panic but kept her outward appearance as calm as possible. "You are working too hard. I've heard that as soon as you finish teaching, you help out around the hospital, and you've been there your days off and on weekends as well." Her tone changed to concern, and Hitori relaxed, glad to know it was about her directly, not her program.

"Thank you for your concern..." She trailed off and took a breath before she continued. "I don't really know anyone here, and normally, I would spend my time off with friends at home. Since I don't have that here, I figure that I may as well keep busy. You brought me here to help, so..." she shrugged as she trailed off.

"I understand. I am going to order you to rest at your lodgings for this weekend, though. If you keep going like this, you'll work yourself to death in a month. I've informed Kizaru to keep you out of the hospital all weekend." The Mizukage leant forward as she spoke, showing that she was serious. The glint in her eyes suggested she was trying to look after her.

"Of course. I will follow your orders." Hitori nodded and gave a brief bow to show her obeisance.

"Alright then. Go and rest." The Mizukage's expression changed from serious to pleased, and Hitori bowed low before she left.

Before heading back to her apartment, she needed to get some groceries and swung by the market for fresh produce and the store for a few extras. When she arrived back, Ganzo offered to help her carry her groceries upstairs, but she declined with a polite thank you. He was used to dealing with civilians, or shinobi, who were much older and not in as good shape as she was. Opening the door with her foot, she headed inside and unpacked everything. It was late enough for her to cook something for dinner, and she decided to make some rice, meat and veggies.

As she began to cut veggies, everything that she was trying to avoid started to hit her. She had felt terribly lonely since she had arrived and had subconsciously stayed away from her empty room as it reminded her of how alone she felt. She had figured she was just bored, but that void in her chest confirmed her fears. Since she arrived, she had written to confirm her safe arrival and sent a separate letter to Itachi that had gone out with the regular mail service. It would have arrived in Konoha by now, but she had yet to receive a reply. Itachi would more than likely have done the same thing she had, burying himself in his work to avoid being alone in his apartment.

Surely, Sakura would be dragging him out a bit, and Sasuke being in Konoha would be good, too, since they could spend some time together and rekindle their relationship. Kakashi was probably too busy to train much with him to keep him busy, but she just hoped he hadn't holed himself up in his ancient armchair with the big stack of books she left him. Hopefully, they were giving him some form of comfort while she was gone. If they were at least keeping him busy or at least helping him forget that she would be gone for approximately 2 years.

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