Chapter 36 - Long Distance

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Chapter 36 - Long Distance

Hitori stood up from Mikoto's grave and did her best to calm herself down and not cry too much. She didn't want her to see her weakness, though Itachi had told her that she was a very kind and gracious woman. When she stood up, she felt her shoulders tense again with the force of her emotion until it felt like something or someone had touched her. It was just a simple graze on the top of her left shoulder, but she immediately felt calmer afterwards. She looked over her shoulder at the grave once more, letting herself linger just a little longer before she smiled and continued on her way.

Wiping her tear tracks as best she could, Hitori controlled her breathing as she walked back through the village, keeping her head down to hide her bloodshot eyes. She headed straight up to the hospital, as Sakura would probably already know about the mission, but she wanted to ask for advice. She had never been in a teaching role like this before. She had done plenty of helping out and showing younger, less experienced medics how to best heal certain types of wounds and trauma, but this was different.

Luckily, Sakura was going through paperwork in her office and didn't seem too busy. She knocked on the open door, brought her friend from her trance, and sat back in her chair with a smile.

"I suppose you've heard?" Hitori asked, trying to gauge Sakura's expression as she sat opposite her.

"Yeah, I suggested for you to go as well," she replied with a smirk.

"Of course you did." Hitori rolled her eyes, but smiled anyway. "I'll be leaving as soon as I've tied up all the loose ends. Can I ask a favour?" Sakura nodded, and she continued. "I'm going to donate all of my belongings to the orphanage aside from my personal items, and I was hoping you could make sure they get everything okay. I'm going to swing past and give them the key to collect everything, but I just want to be sure."

"Easily done. Happy to help out." Sakura nodded in understanding and gave Hitori a thumbs up.

"Thank you. Apparently, I can contact you and Tsunade for supplies through this scroll, too. I expect you'll hear from me shortly after I arrive, so keep an eye out. Maybe it'll just be me raving about the job." She waved the scroll whilst talking before placing it back in her pocket.

"Did you want me to make you a pack to take with you, at least to get you started?" Sakura asked and prepared a blank sheet of paper to start making a list.

"Actually, that would be great. I want to cover that rare poison that we've got, actually. Could you include that?"

"Sure can." Sakura began scratching her pen against the paper as Hitori stood up. "Come and grab it tomorrow morning, okay? I'll be here to see you off."

"Thank you. See you tomorrow."

Hitori headed out and went to the orphanage. She hadn't visited in quite some time and didn't really have any donations prepared for them, but she supposed the furniture would suffice. It wasn't that they were underfunded; the village took very good care of all the children and supplied them with everything they needed, but it was her way of giving back. Heading inside without knocking, one of the kids spotted her and ran to her, clutching her sleeve in excitement. She knelt down and said hello to them all as they approached, and the staff watched quietly before she finally made her way over to them. These women were the ones who had started working there after the ones who raised her had long since retired, but she still felt a kinship with them. It was just how this sort of thing worked. Everyone who had been raised in an orphanage felt an almost spiritual bond with those who worked there.

"I just dropped by to let you know you'll receive some furniture soon." She handed the elder woman, named Atsuko, her key. She didn't exactly need it since she chakra locked it usually, so it wasn't a problem to give her only key to them. "Whatever is left in the room is yours to bring here to use."

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