Chapter 40 - Teamwork

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Chapter 40 - TeamworkTwo weeks later...

"You have no time limit to complete this. Whoever gets the most wrong will be my unwilling assistant." Hitori had gotten into a habit of speaking quietly, and everyone had learnt to listen closely. She didn't want to raise her voice constantly to get their attention, and they'd figured out to shut up when she opened her mouth to speak.

She handed out the last remaining sheets, upon which she had a knowledge test for muscles in the body. Last night, she had stayed up late to make sure she remembered them all since it had been a hell of a long time since she had learnt them. Everyone got started without a word and continued that way for around 30 minutes. Slowly, they began to hand them in, the more experienced students being quicker than the rookies. She began marking them straight away and made them sit and wait silently while she did it. Most were fine, but a few she tossed to one side, and they floated down to the floor.

When she was done, she kept two aside and held one up for them all to see. Every question was right, and she gave the person a hint of a smile. It was Aido, and she wasn't surprised. So far through the training, he had stood out and consistently demonstrated his abilities. She was less pleased by the one who had only about half correct and held it up in her other hand. It belonged to Nakamura, who was renowned for being bad at tests but not too bad in practice. Most of the incorrect answers were very close but just not quite there.

"Nakamura. Come here." She gestured to the corner of the room on her left.

"Aido. Over here." She gestured to the other corner on her right.

Hitori stood up and walked around to the back of the room. She wanted to choose two of the middle-ground students to lead the other two groups. There would be an even mix of experienced and rookie students in each group, but she mulled over who had shown the best leadership skills so far. Aido was by far the best, and trailing behind him were Saiko and Mika. It would also be good to give the girls a chance since some were falling behind.

"Saiko, on my left. Mika, on my right." She waited until they had taken their respective places before she spoke again. "We will be working in hospital all next week and split into smaller teams. You will be working in different wards to support the normal staff and be given assignments, and we will rotate each day. You must all submit reports each day by the end of the week."

"Sensei?" Saiko's somewhat squeaky voice irked Hitori to no end, but it wasn't her fault. She looked at her and made a noise, telling her to continue. "May I ask why we are working in the hospital when we are supposed to be training in fieldwork?"

"There are many reasons. Every time you go on a mission, you must hand in a report. This is to ensure that your reports are up to scratch. I've read through some of your previous ones, and they need work. Aside from that, practising basic skills and care isn't above any medic. Refining your skills for everyday treatment is something we must also cover." She paced across the room back to lean against her desk as she spoke.

"Just because you normally work in the field doesn't mean you won't learn anything working in the hospital. You still have to go through the same processes for treatment. This is why I volunteer often, as you may encounter something you haven't seen before. For example," She hopped up to sit on the edge of the desk, getting comfortable to tell her story.

"A while ago, I was summoned to the hospital to assist with a cell of poisoned shinobi. It was one that I had never encountered before, and I didn't know how to treat it. We had no idea of its ingredients, and to start giving random antidotes may have made it worse since we had no idea of its properties. It may have an adverse reaction, and we couldn't risk it."

"What symptoms were there?"

"Haemorrhaging was the worst thing to deal with. They were bleeding from everywhere possible, and their blood pressure was dangerously low. There was also frothing at the mouth, vomiting and fevers of 39 on average amongst the 4 of them." Hitori answered calmly and waited for any more questions before she went on.

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