Chapter 1: The Royal Pattern

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    "I'm telling you, one step out of the water can't hurt!"  Andromeda begged her mother. But her mother just turned around gills flaring and lit up the scales on the back of her tail and on her snout which meant, "no way."  Andromeda lit up the scales two times on her snout which meant "please." her mother did the same thing as before and  Andromeda sighed. How she longed to go out of the water and find other dragons. But her mother believed like did many SeaWings that going out of the water was dangerous.  Andromeda swam to the door of the underwater cave which she lived in with her mother and watched some other dragonets play a game. She turned to her mother who was cooking fish for dinner by placing in on an underwater volcano. She swam to her mom and lit up the scales on her wings and along her tail. This meant- "Can I go outside to play?" Her mom gave her a stern look the lit up her own scales on her snout, wings, and tail.  Andromeda swam to the mouth of the cave because her mother said. "Alright but don't go to the surface."  Andromeda swam to the other SeaWing dragonets who were having a conversation underwater.  Andromeda joined in. Waterscale (one of the dragonets) was saying that he had seen Shark, one of the Queen's guards. Neptune didn't believe him. 

     "I'm telling you! It was Shark!" Waterscale said lighting up his scales. 

    "Shark is one of the Queens guards and has to stay and fight for the Queen! Not swim around." Neptune argued. 

    "But it was Shark! I swear!" Waterscale's scales were moving so fast Andromeda could barely read them. "I even saw his royal patterns!" Pause. Royal SeaWings have patterns? Andromeda's mom never told her that. 

    "What did the patterns look like?" Andromeda asked lighting up her scales slowly. Waterscale looked Andromeda up and down. Andromeda had aqua colored scales with some green playing around her wings and talons. Waterscale's eyes feel on Andromeda wings. He swam over to her and lifted one of her wings. He pointed at her scales that lit up under her wings. He lit up his own scales. 

    "That. The royal pattern looked like these scales you have on your wings." He smiled kindly. Andromeda stared at him. Then lit up her scales. 

    "But I'm not royal. Why would I have these scales?" She asked him. Waterscale shrugged and turned to Neptune and started to talk to her again. 

     Andromeda felt dazed as she swam back to her underwater cave. Her mother had finished cooking. 

    "I was about to come and get you." Her mother said, lighting up her scales. Then she saw the look on Andromeda's face. "Is something wrong?" She asked. Andromeda swam to her mother and lifted up her wing. The royal pattern wasn't there. She looked up at her mother's face and asked; 

    "Why do I have the royal pattern on my wings?" 

    "Don't be silly, those are just birthmarks." Her mother answered. She turned away. Andromeda swam in front of her mother's face.

    "If they are just birthmarks how come their exactly alike?" She asked. Her mother didn't answer. She just stared at Andromeda.  Andromeda took her chance and asked another question. "Listen, Waterscale saw Shark today, and he said he saw his royal patterns. He said his royal patterns looked like the scales underneath my wings." Her mother's face was suddenly angry.  

    "So, Waterscale told you did he?" She asked her scales flashing so quickly that it took Andromeda a minute to realize what she said. 

    "Yeah, he did," Andromeda responded. Before she could do anything but blink her mother swam out of the cave and to Waterscale and Neptune who were still fighting. Andromeda swam after her quickly trying to keep up. 

    Once she reached her mother, she was holding Waterscale by the ear and lighting up her scales in a slow menacing way. 

    "Did you or did you not tell my daughter about the royal patterns?" She asked him.

    "Yeah, I did. Why that bad?" Waterscale asked. 

    "You do not have the right to tell my daughter anything!" Her mother answered. 

    "I'm sorry, I didn't know!" Waterscale's scales were moving slowly too but not with anger but fright. It was widely known that Andromeda's mother punished anyone who "mistreated" her daughter. 

    "Sorry isn't enough!" Andromeda's mother said. "I shall talk to your mother about a punishment for you, or wait... I'll punish you myself right now!" 

    "Wait!" Andromeda swam up to her mother before any harm could come to Waterscale. "I asked him to tell me about the pattern! Please leave him alone!" Andromeda's mother let go of Waterscale and turned to Andromeda her gills flaring. "He shall get whatever punishment his mother decides for him." And she swam in the direction of Waterscales cave. Neptune was watching Waterscale rub his ear. 

    "Your mom is crazy," Waterscale complained. 

    "I know, but there's nothing I can do about it sorry," Andromeda said. 

    "You guys should probably follow her before she get's to your mother, Waterscale," Neptune observed. "Then you can tell her what really happened."

     "Good idea, thanks, Neptune!" Andromeda said as she grabbed Waterscale's forearm and began to swim quickly. Andromeda's mother was already in the cave with a green dragon. Andromeda pulled Waterscale into the cave and sat down.

   "Is it true?" Asked Waterscales mother. 

   "Is what true?" Waterscale asked. 

    "Is it true that you broke into the Summer Palace to see one of the Queen's guards?" Waterscales mom asked.

    "No!" Waterscale said. "All I did was see Shark swim by!"

   "It's true!" I said, backing Waterscale up. "He saw Shark and then he told me about his royal patterns!" Waterscales mother turned to Andromeda's mother and asked; 
"Were you lying?" Andromeda's mother flared her gills and said; 
"No, I am not lying. These dragonets are the liers." 

   "Then it's easy what I want to do." Waterscales mother said. "We'll go to the Summer Palace and see Queen Coral and we'll tell her what Waterscale did and she can deal with him however she likes." 

   "What?" Waterscale asked faintly. "But I didn't-" 

   "Shut-up!" Andromeda's mother said. "We'll go tomorrow."Andromeda's mother swam out of the cave pulling Andromeda with her. Andromeda turned to see the normaly Sky-blue dragon looking very green. 

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