Chapter 15: Heros or Assassins?

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Heat blazed on Andromeda's scales. She opened her eye's to see endless desert before her. She looked around her and saw a bleeding Waterscale laying on the desert a few feet behind her. She rushed forward to him. 
"Waterscale." She whispered in his ear. "Waterscale!" She said more firmly. She shook him. "Please wake up, please wake up!" Constellation peered at her from behind a dune and walked around. " Constellation, do you have anything in your bag that can help Waterscale?" Constellation thought for a moment, tapping her chin. 

"I don't have much..." She finally said. "Just teleportation dust, hypnotizing jewels, and a pointy stick that scavengers have, other than that, nothing."  

"What's wrong?" Zigzag asked appearing behind Constellation. He hardly glanced at Waterscale's deep wounds. "Oh, that. I have worse cuts than that." He was right. A long deep gash was playing around his tail and another smaller one on his neck. 

"How did you get them?" Constellation asked. 

"Venom accidents," Zigzag said shrugging. 

"Is there anything we can do?" Andromeda worried. 

"We can take him to the Scorpion Den, maybe they can help us!" Constellation thought hopefully. 

"I heard Thorn hate's NightWings and none of us are SandWings in case you didn't notice." Zigzag reminded her. 

"Maybe you can turn into a SandWing, you know, changing your scales!" Andromeda wondered. 

"Maybe, but I've never seen a SandWing before," Zigzag said. He shrugged again. He seemed to do that a lot. "I can try." His scales turned a white-yellow color, but his green eye's seemed out of place. He also didn't have the barbed tail. "Good?" 

"OH MY GOSH GUYS!" Constellation suddenly yelled. 

"What? What happened?" Zigzag said turning a faint green. 

"Glory knows the passage to the desert that's in the forest! She could come here any moment!" Constellation shouted. 

"What should we do?" Andromeda said realizing the truth.

"Is nowhere safe?" Zigzag asked scratching his talons in the desert sand. 

"Hey, you!" Said a voice from behind them. They turned around looking scared. It was a SandWing. He had white golen scales and a diamondback pattern on his neck. He also had a ring on one of his horns and a golden chain wrapped around his arm. No one else had treasure. "Yeah, I'm talking to you!" 

"H-hello," Andromeda stammered. "What are you doing here?"

"I was about to ask you that!" The SandWing growled, his deadly tail flicking towards them. 

"Look, we don't want any trouble." Zigzag hissed, bearing his venomous fangs. "Maybe you could leave and forgot we were here?" 

"Ha, you crack me up!" The SandWing snorted. "What are your names anyway?"   

"I'm Andromeda!" Andromeda answered. "This is Constellation, Zigzag, and this," She said sadly as she looked down at the hurt figure. "Is Waterscale, but we don't know how to heal him." 

"Well, I can't help you with that but my name is Hermes!" The SandWing spoke. "Now, I ask again, what are you doing here?"

"We were trying to find the SandWing assassin and escaping the rainforest to save the RainWing assassin!" Constellation answered quickly. 

"Constellation!" Zigzag hissed quietly in her ear. "We weren't supposed to tell anyone!"

"Sorry,"Constellation said, ducking her head. 

"Well you found the SandWing assassin, and let me guess, you're the NightWing assassin, she, or he, is the SeaWing assassin, and you already said you were the RainWing assassin," Hermes said smirking. "Personally, I thought it was a joke when they added the RainWing in the assassin prophecy because their so lazy and dumb!" It happened so fast that all Andromeda could see was a blur. Zigzag was on top of Hermes, even though he was smaller than him, he was the one with deadly fangs. Zigzag was turning different shades of red it was a wonder why there were so many shades. 

"Listen pal, if you have a problem with me you can't hang with us." He hissed in Hermes ear. 

"And why would I want to hang with you?" Demeaned Hermes. 

"We're all part of the same prophecy," Zigzag replied. "We have to do what it says." Hermes pushed Zigzag off and was about to say something nasty but;

"Again with this 'we have to listen to the prophecy'!" Andromeda suddenly burst out. "I'm sorry, but I just met you five minutes ago, Constellation also, I just met Zigzag and Hermes and I have to go with you guys and cause mass destruction?" The sun was poking out of the sandy dunes and Andromeda knew Constellation wanted to go find the other assassins. 

"The prophecy says-" Constellation started. 

"Constellation, if you want me to believe this prophecy you better tell me exactly what this visitor in your dream said." Andromeda declared. Constellation looked at her and gulped. 

"I was a small dragonet, I don't remember much but, I can tell you the rest of the prophecy," Constellation whispered. 

"I heard all of it already." Andromeda pointed out. But Constellation shook her head. 

"There's a part I didn't tell anybody so your gonna be the first dragons to know!" She cleared her throat and said; 
"Once the assassins are born,
They'll be marked with a burn,
When you see this you know they are ready to hear the truth. 

These dragonets aren't here to kill, 
instead, they help the war end, 
They were given false identities,
To protect them.

Once all are found together,
They'll each prove their worth,
And then, and only then,

Will the war end." 

"Woah," Hermes whispered. "We're gonna stop the war?" 

"What does it mean false identities to protect us?" Zigzag asked Constellation. 

"How do we prove our worth," Andromeda asked. "And why didn't you tell anyone before?"

"One question at a time!" Constellation shouted. "I foresee it's gonna take a long time explaining this to you. Okay first of all, yes we're gonna stop the war. Second of all, we needed false identities because other dragons like Burn or Scarlet want to keep the war going if we're assassins that are gonna kill the dragonets of destiny they won't harm us."

"Won't dragons like the Talons of Peace try and kill us?" 

"True, but hopefully they'll be too scared of us, many dragons are after all." Constellation took a deep breath then said; "And to answer both of your questions, we have to prove our worth by saving each other or other dragons, I dunno. And for your second question, I didn't tell anyone because I was afraid of being hunted down and getting locked up like the dragonets of destiny." Relief flooded through Andromeda like getting a bucket of warm water poured on your head. 

"So, where do we go now?" She asked, feeling happier then she had in a long time. 

"The ice kingdom!" Constellation answered quickly. 

"The ice kingdom?" Hermes yelped. "No thanks to cold!" 

"For once, I agree with Hermes." Zigzag. 

"We have to go because we need to find the IceWing assassin." She said in a tone as if she was explaining that two plus two equaled four to an overdramatic toddler. "And they have good healing methods." She nodded at Waterscale and Andromeda realized she had forgotten all about him. AsConstellation sprinkled them with teleportation dust, a thought entered Andromeda's mind. Heros or Assassins? 

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