Chapter 13: The Assasin Prophecy

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Inside the Deep Palace was a huge room filled with SeaWings. In the middle of the room was two thrones in which Queen Coral sat and the pinkish dragonet sat too. 
"What do you mean, 'just in time'?" Andromeda asked her mother who was studying her pearls. 

"Oh, so you haven't heard the Assasin Prophecy?" Queen Coral inquired. Andromeda looked stunned. 

"No, I didn't, I didn't even know there was such a prophecy." 

"I'll have Splash tell you in a moment, anyway, let me explain," Coral spoke. "Shortly after the Dragonet Prophecy, a NightWing, a dragonet NightWing in fact. What scared everyone was that she was only a year old. Anyway, this NightWing told her mother she saw an older NightWing in her dream give her a prophecy." Queen Coral was flashing her scales so fast it looked like a blue blur.

"Mother," Andromeda reported. "NightWing's don't have powers. I learned this from a wise dragon I met long ago." Coral blinked at her.

"They don't?" She said, tapping her chin. "Well, this one NightWing did have powers. She could see into the future." Queen Coral looked around and the SeaWing's nodded, agreeing with her. "She told her mother someone gave her a prophecy, then she saw into the future, she saw this prophecy becoming true. So it's a real prophecy, not a fake NightWing legend." The SeaWing queen stared at the small dragonet next to her, she nodded, then Coral beckoned a SeaWing from the corner who came running towards her side. He was very old and very big. "This is Splash," Coral said nodding at the SeaWing. "He studies prophecy, he'll tell you the assassin prophecy." The old SeaWing stepped forward, and his scales barely lit up at all so Andromeda had a hard time reading them.

"When the Dragonets of Destiny are born,
more dragons will rise.
Learning, only evil,
These mad dragons will stop them winning.

For your SeaWing traitor, raise her alone,
The NightWing will be waiting.
Your SandWing will come running,
Your IceWing, hiding.
The MudWing traitor will be fighting,
While the SkyWing will be in prison.
And waiting for you in the hatchery,
A RainWing, smallest of all, waiting,
For the forest to fall.

Find these dragons on the Darkest Night,
Kill them before they find one another,
Or all is lost, and the war will never end."

When Splash finished, there were no flashing scales to ask one another about what happened. Andromeda understood. The darkest night was tonight when there were no moons at all. Her mother needed her quickly. She must've talked to all the queen's (Expect for the SandWings) and they must've decided to kill them. She was shocked, she never, ever, ever wanted to kill another dragon. She always let them live when she had a fight. How could she be part of this prophecy?

"I was so worried that you might not show tonight." Queen Coral laughed. "But now you're here! I'm sorry I never got to know you."

"But what about the SandWing?" Andromeda asked. "There's no queen to talk to! The SandWing might not die!"

"Oh, Blister has that dragon in her army, she'll make due with him." Queen Coral answered. She looked out the large windows. "Night is coming, lock her up before she does something idiotic, and kill that SeaWing she brought with her now." Queen Coral tapped her talons on the throne and the guards advanced towards Waterscale. He yelled as they drew closer with their spears.

"Leave him alone!" Andromeda said, her scales bursting with color. "He didn't do anything!" She growled at the SeaWings who came to lock her away. She slammed her tail into the female's skull and blood gushed from the wound she made. The male ran to his wounded companion which gave Andromeda time to run towards Waterscale. He already had a bleeding wound on his leg and Andromeda ran into the guard closest to her. She pinned him down and he roared with anger. "Waterscale, run!" Andromeda shouted.

"I'm not leaving you here!" Waterscale said as he slashed at the nearest guard's face. Three of the guards were down but three more remained. Andromeda ducked as one of the guards threw a spear that zipped through the water. It hit the SeaWing behind her in the throat. He yelled and thrashed as blood poured from his neck then fell to the floor. Andromeda bit the one who threw the spear on his forearm and Waterscale slammed his tail into the other. They finished. All the guards lay on the floor, dead. Andromeda's gills flared as she stared at her queen.

"You're making me fit the prophecy, you want me to be a killer." Andromeda hissed at her mother. 

"Unlike others, this prophecy is true." The queen smirked. "I just want to make it dramatic."

"You don't have to!" Andromeda cried. "Don't be like this mother!"

"This is how the world made me, take it or leave it."

"I think I'll leave it!" Andromeda was so angry, she thought her scales would turn red like a RainWings. She wished she could spit venom right now.Andromeda swam quickly towards the door. Waterscale caught up with her and they quickly threw the door open. 

"Stop them!" Queen Coral's light was blinding, even from behind them. Two SeaWing's swam quickly towards them and Andromeda kicked one in the face. She fell behind. Waterscale slapped his tail in the SeaWing following him. Waterscale was faster then Andromeda and jumped into the sky, Andromeda tried to follow, unfolding her wings, she tried to rise up, but fell back to the water. Waterscale grabbed her before she was pulled under the water. 

"You still can't fly?" He asked softly. 

"I guess not." Andromeda whispered, tears filling her eyes. Waterscale akwardly carried her to the beach were they lay, heaving for breath. 

"I'm- I'm sorry about your mother." Waterscale said after a short pause. The night sky shining over them. 

"It wasn't your fault," Andromeda said. "You wouldn't knwo she was crazy." Waterscale let out a dry laugh which quickly turned into a scream. Andromeda sat up quickly. "What is it?" She asked, looking around. 

"I saw, saw, another dragon." He shuddered. "

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