Chapter 6: Welcome to the Jungle

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Bam! Something hard hit Andromeda on the head. She almost blacked out but didn't. She looked around for her attacker, ready to fight, but no one was there. She turned to Waterscale who also got hit. 

"What was that?" She cried. 

"I don't know!" Said Waterscale, rubbing his head. "Should we get to land?" Andromeda nodded and the two SeaWings swam to the beach that was closer then Andromeda had guessed. Once near the shallow water, Andromeda began to run, eager to see the land again. It wasn't as Andromeda had remembered. There were no dead bodies of dragons, there was no smoke. The beach was smooth and soft and it felt squishy under her talons. She turned to Waterscale, a huge smile on her face. 
"What do you think?" She asked him. 

"Well, I've seen sand before, but I like it! It's dry and wet at the same time!" He proclaimed. 

"What should we do?" Andromeda said, suddenly realizing that she didn't have a plan. 

"I don't know!" He said tapping his chin thoughtfully. "If I remember the map of Pyrrhia that our teacher showed us, the mud kingdom is closest." 

"Should we go there?" Andromeda asked excitedly. But Waterscale shook his head. 

"It would be an idiotic move." He inquired. "The MudWings are on Burn's side and the SeaWings are on Blister's side. We're enemies."  

"Oh, I didn't know." Andromeda frowned. "What if we went, to the RainWings?" 

"The RainWings?" Waterscale thought for a moment. "The RainWings are on no one's side, so, I guess it would be alright, but, would they want two SeaWings in their jungle?"

"RainWings are lazily and would just think of us as friends." Andromeda reminded him. "I say we do it, I'm not going back to the kingdom of the sea."

"I just don't know about this..." Waterscale said biting his lip. "I don't want to be thrown into a dungeon."

"I doubt they have a dungeon." Andromeda declared. "I'm going right now, with you or without you." She opened her wings, ready to fly for the first time in her life. 

"Wait, I'm coming, but the moment they even hint that we're their prisoners, I'm leaving," Waterscale shouted. He opened his wings too and they flew off. 

Flying was harder then Andromeda expected. Not that she couldn't. She could fly like any dragon, but it was hard because MudWings kept swooping in and out of their forest. 

"Hide!" Andromeda yelled to Waterscale who was flying behind her. "MudWings!" They swerved to the tree's as two fully grown MudWings flew out of the trees. One of them was talking to the other. 

"Are you sure you saw what you thought you saw?" The female MudWing was asking the male. 

"I'm telling you, I saw two SeaWings." Growled the male. 

"Twig, SeaWings stay in the water, they are too scared to come out!" Yelled the female. Waterscale drew closer to Andromeda in the dark trees. 

Twig turned and flew back on the ground. "I guess you were right." He grumped. 

"Alright," Andromeda whispered. "We can fly again but we have to be more careful." 

Slowly, the brown trees turned green with bright leaves. "I think we're getting closer!" Andromeda shouted hopefully. Then, there was a black rustle in the green leaves, another something hit Andromeda on the head and she almost got knocked out, again! "Waterscale, I got hit again and it was coming from down there!" Andromeda whined. "Let's go!"

"Wait, you want to run towards the danger?" Waterscale shouted. "Are you mad?"

"Yup! Let's go!" Andromeda yelled again. Andromeda heard Waterscale sigh as she turned her wings and flew down to the dark something in the trees. A loud thump sounded as she and Waterscale landed together on a branch close to the dark figure. Andromeda knew it was watching them and there was no point in trying to hide that they were there. "Hello, you!" Andromeda beamed. "I know you're a dragon, but what I really want to know is why you're throwing things at us." The dragon shifted uneasily. 

"I don't think I should be talking to you." The figure said in a cool male voice. "Anyway, I'll cut to the chase. Queen Glory sent me after you." 

"Whose Glory?" Andromeda asked demanded. "And what does she want with us."

"I can't tell you that." The male dragon admitted. "But you'll see her soon enough because I'm taking you to her." 

"You're not taking us anywhere!" Waterscale snapped. "Either tell us why your here, or clear off." 

"Well, like I said, I can't tell you why I'm here, Glory will tell you that, but my names Deathbringer," Deathbringer said. "Sorry, but I have to knock you out because Glory doesn't want you to know where the RainWing kingdom is." 

"No, wait, we'll just leave-" Andromeda started to say, but Deathbringer had already thrown something at them and Andromeda fell on her branch along with Waterscale. 

Andromeda woke up hours later but kept her eyes closed. Warmth flooded through her, she was laying on a platform and heard Waterscale moan slightly behind her. Two dragons were arguing. 
"I said, I didn't want them dead!" A female voice shouted. 

"Glory, I didn't kill them, they are just knocked out!" Deathbringer's voice sounded. 

"That's Queen Glory to you." Glory said angrily. "And Jambu said he gave you sleeping darts, is that what you used?"  

"Of course I used what you gave me!" Deathbringer shouted. He didn't sound angry, he sounded amused. 

"Jambu also said that the sleeping darts should've stopped working three hours ago. And their still "asleep."" Glory growled. Deathbringer didn't say anything for a moment. He apparently was thinking. 

"Remeber when Jambu knocked out Tsunami, Clay, and Sunny?" Deathbringer asked Glory. 

"Of course." Glory snapped. 

"Well, Jambu said that Tsunami woke up last, and Tsunami is a SeaWing." Deathbringer continued. 

"So?" Glory asked. 

"So maybe, the sleeping darts work longer on SeaWings." Deathbringer finished. Now it was Glory's turn to stay quiet. 

"Actually that might be true." Glory grumbled.Andromeda decided it was time to wake up. She opened her eyes and stood up quickly. She saw Deathbringer and Glory standing close to them on the other side of the platform. 

"See?" Deathbringer mused. "She's awake." 

"Hmphm." Glory responded. "Is he awake?" She nodded at Waterscale. 

"I'm awake." Waterscale moaned from behindAndromeda. He stood up, he was shaking. "Why did you bring us here?" 

"Well, because I need to talk to you." Glory said bossily. "Anway, welcome to the jungle." 

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