Chapter 8: Wings of Sea

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"What do you mean, "what's that?"" Tsunami asked. "Don't you know the dragonet prophecy?" 

"No, I don't," Andromeda admitted. "Can you please explain?" Tsunami face-palmed herself, but the male NightWing stepped up. 

"There is a prophecy about the war that had been going on the past twenty-six years, you do know about the war?"

"Of course." 

"Anyways, the NightWings made a prophecy that said, well, I'll just say it out loud." The NightWing said. 

"Starflight remembers everything like this." Sunny joked. 

'Starflight', continued the prophecy, slightly blushing; 

"When the war has lasted twenty years...
The dragonets will come.
When the land is soaked in blood and tears...
The dragonets will come. 

Find a SeaWing egg of deepest blue.
Wings of night shall come to you.
The largest egg in mountain high
will give you wings of sky.
For wings of earth, search through the mud
for an egg the color of dragon blood.
And hidden alone from the rival queens,
The SandWing egg awaits unseen.

Of three queens who blister and blaze and burn,
two shall die, one shall learn 
if she bows to a fate stronger and higher,
she'll have the power of wings of fire.

Five eggs to hatch on the brightest night,
five dragons born to end the fight.
Darkness will rise to bring the light.
The dragonets are coming..."

When Starflight finished the whole room was quiet, then Andromeda spoke. 
"So, you're saying I'm the 'wings of sea' that'll stop the war?" 

"No, that's me." Tsunami fumed. "I was the one hidden in the cave all those years, waiting to save the world, and this whole time you've been in the kingdom of the sea, sitting pretty." 

"I wasn't" Andromeda whispered. "I hated the kingdom of the sea, that's why I left!" 

"Well, Andromeda was born on the brightest night, she had a deep blue egg, and she was born in the royal hatchery too, so Tsunami, she's your sister." Glory finished. 

"How do you know this?" Tsunami asked. 

"Webs." Glory said simply. "He told me everything once he woke up." 

"Can we talk to this 'Webs' now?" Andromeda requested. 

"Sure, if he's awake." Glory answer. She left the hut to the RainWing guard outside the door. They could hear her talking to him. 

"Drizzle, can you please go to the healer's hut and ask them to bring Webs?" 

"Sure, Queen Glory!" Answer the male RainWing. They heard him fly away and Glory entered the tent again. 

"Webs is coming." She said. They waited five minutes in which no one spoke. Then, a SeaWing came in with two RainWing's supporting him. 

"Hello, Webs!" Sunny said as she ran over to him. "How are you feeling?" 

"Better." Webs answered. "Why did you bring me here?" 

"Well Webs, this is Andromeda." Glory said, motioning to Andromeda. "She wanted to ask you a question. 

"What is it?" Webs said yawning. 

"Webs, I'm a royal SeaWing," Andromeda said eagerly. "And, Glory, I mean, Queen Glory says that I was born on the brightest night, was anyone else, I mean, were there any other eggs?" 

"You mean eggs that were going to hatch on the brightest night?" Webs asked. Andromeda nodded. "Yes, there was, three others." Tsunami and Andromeda gasped at the same time. 

"You mean there are five other possible SeaWing dragonets of destiny?" Tsunami roared in anger, at the same time Andromeda squealed. 

"You mean I have four other sisters?" She asked. 

"You have six sisters." Tsunami corrected her. "Anemone, the dragon that was attached to Queen Coral, Akulet, the dragon I helped hatch, and if Webs is to be believed, three un-known dragons, oh, and me." 

"So cool!" Squealed Andromeda. 

"Wait, hold your sea-horses." Webs said, yawning again. "One of the eggs was killed in the royal hatchery by that thing Orca made." 

"Oh, so five sisters," Andromeda said, hanging her head sadly. 

"The other three hatched normally on the brightest night, but Tsunami was born in a cave." Webs spoke. Tsunami growled softly. "I guess you were taken away because the healers told me you didn't know your mother until yesterday." Webs paused looking at his tail and scratching it. "The other escaped from the Deep Palace after something bad happened, but I don't know what." Webs yawned again, then continued. "They were both four, the first went to live in the SkyWing mountains but was found and captured by Queen Scarlet." Andromeda gasped with horror. 

"Is she alright?" She asked Webs quickly. Webs shrugged. 

"This is mostly stuff I heard from Queen Coral's guards when I was in her dungeon." Webs answered. "Do you want me to continue?" Andromeda nodded and Tsunami shrugged. "The second daughter, ran to Blister because she knew they were alleys and I don't know what happened to her." Silence in the room. 

"Can I go back to sleep?" Webs asked. Glory nodded. The two RainWings flew away with Webs, back to the healer's hut. 

"You know what we have to do Tsunami, what we have to do right now?" Andromeda asked her sister. 

"What?" Tsunami answered. Yawning like Webs. 

"We have to go to Queen Ruby's palace and save our sister," Andromeda said with fierceness in her eyes and voice.   

"Why? I don't honestly care about this dragon and she might be a dragonet of destiny, the less 'wings of sea' we have, the easier it'll be." Tsunami explained. Andromeda felt like she wanted to hit Tsunami. 

"She's our sister, we have to go save her and-" Andromeda started to say but Sunny interrupted her. 

"Morrrowseer said the prophecy wasn't real and that he and Queen Battlewinner made it up. If he was telling the truth and not trying to be horrible, there is no 'wings of sea'." Sunny burst into tears and sobbed into Clay's shoulder. Clay patted her on the back and Starflight scowled. 

"We still have to go after her Tsunami, come on!" Andromeda said again, but this time, it was Glory who answered. 

"No, you guys have to stay here so we can sort out this 'wings of sea' business, besides, we can't afford to lose Tsunami, she's the general of my army." Glory said with anger, her scales certainly said so. "And it's dangerous, you could get caught." 

"I wasn't going to say yes anyway." Tsunami said with a snort. 

"But Tsunami, these are our sisters, what if they can help us win the war?" Andromeda begged. 

"I said no!" Tsunami and Glory yelled at the same time. Andromeda looked hurt and shocked, she blinked a few times, then flew out of the hut. Waterscale followed her. She flew to a nearby tree and she was crying. 

"What's wrong?" Waterscale asked hugging her. 

"It's just, I thought I never had sisters, and the one I have met is horrible, and I want to save the others but," Andromeda couldn't finish, she just cried.

"I say you and me go and save your sister in the SkyWing palace." Waterscale decided. 

"That's really sweet of you, but I want to go with Tsunami!" Andromeda balled. Just then, there was a tap on Andromeda's shoulder, she turned and saw Tsunami behind her. 

"Listen, what just happened in that hut was called acting, I want to find our sisters as much as you do." She said quickly.Andromeda beamed at her sister. 

"When should we go?"Andromeda asked hippcuping. 


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