Chapter 14: The Fall of the Forest

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"You're the prophecy maker? Why me?" Andromeda asked. Constellation blinked. 

"You want to know why you're in the prophecy?" She asked. Andromeda nodded. Constellation was a tall NightWing who was clearly a year older than Andromeda. She had the sliver scales under her wings, some many in fact that her wings look like they were made out of silver. But she also had them on her tail, and Andromeda realized her tail was completely silver. "Well, you were raised almost alone, born on the brightest night, and, your royal. Andromeda slumped sadly onto the ground. 

"So it has to be me?" She whispered. 

"'Fraid so," Constellation said, shrugging her wings. "Well, good thing I found you because I'm the NightWing traitor." 

"You made the prophecy and you're in it?" Waterscale questioned. Constellation nodded. "How do you know? How did you betray your tribe?" 

"I can see into the future and I saw Queen Battlewinner die but I didn't tell anyone. They thought they might be able to save her if I did tell them." Constellation said gravely. 

"How did Andromeda betray the SeaWings?" Waterscale inquired. 

"She doesn't like water, that's a big betrayal." Constellation reminded him. 

"Now we have to kill a lot of innocent dragons." Andromeda sniffed. 

"It depends if they are still alive. I say we check the rainforest of the RainWing traitor, I know Glory wouldn't kill the dragon if she didn't have to." Constellation stated. 

"But why? I don't want to be a SeaWing Traitor!" 

"That's what the visitor in my dream said, but she also that you'd get used to the idea." Constellation snorted. "Come on let's go." She tugged on Andromeda's wings and opened her own. 

"One problem." Andromeda gulped. "I can't fly." 

"Wow," Constellation muttered. "You perfect." 

"Excuse me?" 

"The dragon in my dream said that you wouldn't be able to fly when I finally met you! You fight the prophecy perfectly!" Constellation yelled happily. 

"Joy of joys," Andromeda mumbled. 

"Okay, enough fooling around! Let's go!" She reached into the bag around her neck. "I wanted to use this while we were in the air but this works too!" She pulled out silvery glitter. She sprinkled it on Waterscale, Andromeda, and herself. She then whispered; "Rainforest" and Andromeda was plunged into darkness. When it subsided, she was in the rainforest with the sloths chirping, the bee's buzzing, and the wonderful smell of fruits and flowers. She breathed in when she realized there was something else on the air. Fire. She looked around and saw tree's burning and falling, huts on fire, sloths running for cover as fast as they could. RainWings and NightWings. were flying shrieking to one another, Andromeda couldn't see Queen Glory. 
"Oh, this is great!" Constellation squealed. 

"What? This place is going to burn to the ground! How is that great?" Andromeda asked her. 

"And waiting for you in the hatchery,
A RainWing, smallest of all, waiting, 
For the forest to fall!" 
Constellation recited. "The forest is falling! Quick! To the hatchery!" Andromeda sighed and followed, running on the ground, Constellation flying because she forgot that Andromeda couldn't fly in the excitement. Waterscale ran with her, following Constellation who was darting between falling trees. 

"Why don't you go fly with Constellation?" Andromeda asked bitterly. 

"I want to go with you!" Waterscale assured her. 

"Wow, that makes me feel better," Andromeda said sadly. "I hope Constellation know's where she's going." 

"She'll know, NightWings live here!" Waterscale said hopefully. Constellation did seem to know where she was going so Andromeda just had to trust her. Soon they reached a circle of RainWings near the hatchery. In the middle a small RainWing stood, hissing at his elders. 

"Constellation!" Cried the RainWing when he saw her. "Help me!" Constellation dropped down beside the RainWing and gave him a warm smile. 

"Don't worry!" She assured him. "I foresee that we'll get out of here safely!" Andromeda suddenly realized that Glory was standing with the older RainWings, not helping the small dragonet. 

"Glory!" Andromeda said as she rushed to her side. "Why are you doing this?" 

"This is the darkest night." Glory growled. "If I want the assassin prophecy to not come true I have to kill the assassin NightWing and RainWing since I'm queen of both."

"But he never asked to be in the prophecy!" Andromeda pleaded with her. "He doesn't deserve to die!" 

"It's not what we asked to be, it's what we became, and Zigzag here became an assassin." Glory said, nodding at the small RainWing. 

"I'm not an assassin!" Zigzag told her. "I never killed anything in my life!" 

"You work at the hatchery, your the smallest RainWing, you fit the prophecy!" Glory roared. "And what do you mean not killed anything? The forest is on fire and it's your fault! You probably already killed countless RainWings and NightWings!" 

"I'm sorry!" Zigzag sobbed. "I didn't mean to!" 

"Enough talking!" Glory snapped. "I have to check on the forest after this, get done with it!" The five RainWings opened their mouth to show their venomous fangs. "Get rid of Constellation too! I believe she is the NightWing assassin!" 

"Stop being terrible!" Andromeda cried. But Waterscale had already slammed his tail into the queen's back. She stumbled forward and fell. 

"HEY!" Shouted a voice from above. "That's my friend!" And Tsunami came thudded down. 

"She's going to kill innocent dragons!" Andromeda reminded her. "We have to! Sorry, Tsunami!"

"They're not so innocent if their part of an assassin prophecy!" Tsunami reminded her. 

"Please Tsunami, be reasonable!" Andromeda groaned. 

"Reasonable be damned!" Tsunami belted. "Unreasonable is my middle name!" She attacked Andromeda who was able to stand her ground. They were grappling with each other, talon and talon. Waterscale rushed up to help Andromeda but Tsunami slashed her talons at his face and with a roar of pain, Waterscale lay on the grassy floor. 

"Waterscale!" Andromeda cried. She wished she could help her friend but Tsunami wasn't letting her attention get away. "Constellation!" 

"Yeah?" Constellation answered as she slashed an attacking RainWing with her talons. 

"Do you have any more of that magical teleportation dust?" Andromeda asked, ducking when Tsunami attacked her with her talons. 

"Of course!" She answered, dodging as a RainWing spat his venom at her. 

"Now would be a good time to use it!" Andromeda shouted. Constellation quickly fumbled in her bag and threw Andromeda a jar of glittering black dust. She quickly sprinkled some on herself and Waterscale and threw the jar back at Constellation who grabbed it and sprinkled it on Zigzag and herself. "Scorpion Den!" Was the first thing that came to Andromeda's mind and she yelled it and was plunged into darkness. 

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