Chapter 9: The MudWing Queen

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"Tonight?" Andromeda breathed. 

"Yeah, tonight! I've been to that place before and it's terrible, I don't know if Ruby's and different then Scarlet if she's her daughter, but I'm telling you, let's go tonight!" Tsunami said quickly. 

"Yes, Yes! I totally agree! Tonight!" Andromeda answered. "But, didn't Webs say she left when she was four? How long do you think she was living in the mountains?" 

"I dunno, a year?" Tsunami said. 

"Then she's been at the SkyWing palace for a year and Ruby hasn't been the queen that long." 

"So, you're saying she might not be there?" 


"Then we have to go right now!" 

"I agree, let's go tell Glory!" 

"No!" Tsunami yelled. "You know what Glory will say, "Oh, we can't afford to lose our general." And other stuff, let's leave now!"

"But, if we leave without telling anyone, then they'll think something terrible has happened to us!" Andromeda wailed. Tsunami thought for a moment. 

"We can tell Clay, he wouldn't say anything until Glory asked and that might be after we come back!" She explained. 

"Okay, let's tell Clay!"Andromeda agreed. They flew down until they reached a platform where Clay, the MudWing, was eating fruits. 

"Hey, Clay!" Tsunami said as she landed next to him. 

"Oh, hello Tsunami, Hi Andromeda, Hi dragon I don't know!"

"This is Waterscale," Andromeda remarked as she motioned towards Waterscale. 

"Anyway Clay, I wanted to ask you something." Tsunami continued. 

"Ask way!" Clay smiled as he picked up a red fruit. 

"If you were listening in the royal hut, Andromeda and I have two sisters, one of them is a prisoner in the SkyWing palace, Andromeda, Waterscale, and I are going to rescue her now, don't tell Glory unless you need to!" Clay nodded happily as he chewed his fruit. "Cool, thanks, Clay!" Tsunami said as she started to fly. Andromeda and Waterscale followed her. 

"What do you think our sister is like?" Andromeda asked after a pause. 

"I don't know, I think they both might be a little reckless because they left Coral at the age of four." Tsunami admitted. 

"Do you think they'll be happy to see us?" Andromeda asked. This was the question she was really worried about. 

"Well, since you were in a cave like me your whole life, they don't know us, but I bet if they come with us when we rescue our other sister from Blister they'll be happy to see us." Tsunami said awkwardly. 

"Right..." Andromeda said as her voice trailed away. They had left the Rainforest and now they were flying over the mud kingdom. 

"So, even if we get through the mud kingdom today," Tsunami said. "It'll still take about two days to get there." 

"I say we fly during the night, too," Andromeda stated. "That way we'll get there faster."

"No, we need to sleep at some point!" Waterscale reminded her. 

"Come on, Waterscale, we need to get there!" Andromeda begged. 

"No, he's right." Tsunami cut in. "If we're tired when we get here we won't be able to fight." Andromeda sighed. She knew what Tsunami was saying is true but she wanted to save her sisters. 

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