Chapter 11: Escaping the SkyWings

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"You're my what?" Aquarius barked, staring at Andromeda and Tsunami.

"Your sister, we already told you this!" Tsunami said, with anger in her voice.

"Impossible, I only have one sister, that's alive anyway," Aquarius said, sticking her nose up into the air.

"Our eggs were separated at birth!" Tsunami roared with anger. 

"Ha! My mother, Queen Coral tell's me everything I want to know. I asked her if I had any sisters that were alive besides Torrent and she said no!" It was obvious that Aquarius was panicking, for some reason, Andromeda thought she didn't want sisters. 

"Our mother didn't want to believe it herself!" Tsunami snapped. "She lost too many daughters to realized she lost more!" 

"And besides," Andromeda cut in. "Anemone is three years old and you left at the age of four, and your six years old, Anemone would be one at the time!" Andromeda didn't want to say it but she had to if they wanted to get out alive. "More reason why either you or she is lying!" Aquarius was looking from Tsunami then Andromeda then back again. 

"Prove it!" She stuttered. Tsunami flared her wings and Aquarius saw the royal pattern. She looked more panicked when Andromeda showed hers. "I don't believe it! I don't want to believe it!" Aquarius shirked as she crumbled to the floor. 

"Why not?" Andromeda asked happily. "Having sisters is great!" 

"I don't want sisters!" Aquarius cried. 

"Why not?" Andromeda asked again, not sounding as happy. 

"Because" Aquarius sniffed. "Because I don't want to start another war!" There was a pause as Andromeda patted the crying dragon and Tsunami and Waterscale looked puzzled. 

"Start another war?" Andromeda said, puzzled. "What do you mean?" 

"Well, when Queen Osias died, the three SandWing sisters started a war to get the throne!" Aquarius sniffed. "If our mother died, I don't want to fight you guys!" 

"Oh, Aquarius!" Andromeda said hugging her sister. "I would never fight you! None of us would!" Tsunami didn't blink as she fingered the pearls around her neck. Andromeda shot her a disgusted look. 

"Y-you d-d-don't know Torrent!" Aquarius balled. "She'll fight anyone for anything!" 

"Queen Coral isn't dead yet!" Andromeda hushed Aquarius. "This war is horrible, I'm sure even Torrent realizes that. No one want's another war!

"If you guys wanna get out of here, I suggest we start to go." Tsunami said as she glanced at the ceiling. "I think I hear someone." Everyone fell silent, even the prisoners. Tsunami was right, there was someone talking, loudly, angrily. Andromeda couldn't hear all of the conversation, but from what she heard, someone was having a bad day. 

"Queen Burn said..." 

"Coming here today...!" 

"Not ready...!"

"Check the prisoners..." Waterscale's eyes went wide.

"Did someone just say, that... go down to the dungeons and check the prisoners?" He whispered. Andromeda realized that Waterscale was right.

"What should we do?"Andromeda hissed to Tsunami. Tsunami looked around quickly then pointed to a room with a stone door. She ran over to it and tried to open it but it was locked. "What do we do?" Andromeda said, panicking. Tsunami slammed her tail into the door over and over again. The lock fell with a thump to the floor and the door opened. Tsunami pushed Andromeda, Waterscale, and Aquarius inside the small room. Tsunami then ran in herself and quickly closed the door, she also fitted the lock back in to look like it was still locked. 

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