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Jungkook's POV

Maybe it could be love at first sight. I kept staring at Taeyeon while she dance. I dont know.... her dance is so beautiful. Maybe i have fallen in love with her. I'm not ready to confess my feelings for her. I need to talk to Yoongi hyung. He can help problems like this.
"Yoongi hyung. I need to talk about something," Jungkook said as he sat on the school bench beside Yoongi.
"What is it?" He asked.
"I think i like Taeyeon. I dont know." Jungkook said. Yoongi's face was calm like he already knew it.
"You're not shocked?" Jungkook asked surprised. Yoongi shake his head.
"You see, i already knew it. Your face shows it all. Maybe your hyungs didn't but i can. I'm like the love expert here," Yoongi teased. Jungkook nodded.
"When are you going to confess your feelings?" Yoongi asked. "I dont know if i have feelings for her yet. But if i have... i still dont know,"
"Dont be stupid Jungkook." Yoongi replied.
"Thanks for the talk Yoongi hyung," and with that Jungkook left.

Taehyung's POV

"We have done most of the choreography. I wish i could ask Hoseok hyung for the choreography," I wiped my sweat.
"Taehyung, you cant. This is a project. If you ask the choreography from Hoseok oppa you're cheating." Taeyeon reminded. I smiled.

Taeyeon's POV

After the dance practice with Taehyung, i have a lot of sweat to wipe. I went to locker and met Jungkook oppa. You see, i am younger than Jungkook oppa.
"Taeyeon!" He called. I was shocked. I mean normal. I got that feeling when hot boys called your name.
I leaned on the locker. He walked towards me. Very close. Like he is leaning on me. My heart beat goes faster. I remember this when Kai did this. I felt very happy when he did this. Like he loved me. And yet, this kind of feeling came.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm just asking, are you free today?" Jungkook asked. "Well, i have to practice my dance choreo with Taehyung oppa," i replied.
"Isn't that due next week? You can do that later on." Jungkook said.
"Well, that's true. I guess i'm free today." Taeyeon said. Jungkook moved back two steps and then he suddenly put his right arm on the locker.
"Can you come with me to the mall today? I need to buy something," Jungkook asked.
"You can go with your hyungs right?" Taeyeon reminded.
"I'm bored with my hyungs. C'mon, i'll buy you something," Jungkook replied.
"Really? Okay then!" I said. "When will you pick me up? Oh, i mean when are we leaving?"
"Is it okay if we go right after school?" He asked.
"Sure. No problem," Taeyeon said. "And now, i need to open my locker. Uh, you're blocking my locker," I said.
"Oh right. Sorry," Jungkook said. He smiled. The smile is so warm hearted. It felt like the smile could last forever and it felt like the smile belongs to me.
"Okay, Taeyeon, see you after school," he waved and took his heels away.
"We should practice our dance choreography right after school," Taehyung suggested. Taeyeon suddenly remembered that she and Jungkook are going out.
"Taehyung oppa, i'm sorry. I have a business to do. We can do it tomorrow i promise," Taeyeon lied.
"Since when you called me oppa?" He asked. Taeyeon smiled. "Just being polite to an older person," Taehyung smiled back. "Alright then. See you later," with that he turned to his hyungs.
Taeyeon sat nicely at a bench. She waited for Jungkook to come. After a few minutes, Jungkook came and sat beside her.
"You ready?" He asked. Taeyeon nodded.
"I'm always ready oppa." Taeyeon added. "You still remember the promise that you gave me right? You promise to buy me something." Taeyeon said as they walked to the mall that Jungkook wanted. Jungkook nodded.
"So, what are you going to buy me? I'm just saying that i dont want chocolate or something like that."
Taeyeon said. Jungkook laughed. I mean chuckled.
"Why are you laughing?" Taeyeon asked.
"Nothing. Let's just see what i'll buy you. But in one condition. I will choose the thing for you," Jungkook said.
"What? Fine." Taeyeon grumbled. She began to walk faster and leave Jungkook behind.
I can tell that Taeyeon is cranky, Jungkook murmered. Suddenly Jungkook's phone call rang. Taehyung.
"Hello?" He said.
"Jungkook, where are you? We are looking for you the whole school! Did you just left without us?!" Taehyung seemed very worried.
Oh my god! I haven't told my hyungs i was going to the mall with Taeyeon! Jungkook screamed inside.
"Uh, i was going to the mall with a friend. Just go home without me. I'll be back very soon." Jungkook said.
"Hello? Jungkook. You shouldn't be like that. You know if we lost you, we have lost the golden maknae," Jin came into the phone.
"I'm sorry. But i will be back very soon. I have to go. Bye!" Jungkook ended the phone and ran to catch up with Taeyeon.

Finally, they are arrived at the mall. They quickly went to Jungkook's favorite clothing store. He quickly bought something and left the place.
"Okay, where's the promise you gave me?" Taeyeon asked. Jungkook smirked. "Come." He said. He pulled Taeyeon's hand and they stop at a girl clothing store.
"You're going to buy me clothes?" Taeyeon asked disbelief. Jungkook didn't answer. He pulled her inside.
"I'm going to find the outfit for you. If you dont like it, you may pick your own outfit. Sit here," Jungkook said. Taeyeon still looked at him in disbelief.
"Why are you looking at me like that? I know i'm very handsome," Jungkook teased. Taeyeon pulled her eyes away and blushed.
"Your cheeks are red. Are you—," before Jungkook could finish, Taeyeon cut his words.
"C'mon hurry! Dont keep me waiting!" Taeyeon turned Jungkook's body to the opposite side and pushed him gently. Jungkook looked back and chuckled softly. He then continue to look at each dress on the rack.
Taeyeon was sitting on a sofa. Jungkook's really long, Taeyeon murmered.
She opened her phone and began playing it. Suddenly Jungkook came with a skirt and a top in his hands.
"Try it on!" Jungkook said. He gave the clothes to Taeyeon. Taeyeon smirked and slowly began walking to the girls dressing room. She put on her top and skirt.

Okay.. that's pretty long chapter. Hope you like it! Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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