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Taehyung's POV

I was already ready actually. I was supposed to walk with with Taeyeon. But i guess Jungkook took her first. That moment i felt really hurt. So i decided not to go to school that day. I came back to my room and changed my clothes.
"Ah? why do you change your clothes? you're going to school. you're not going to school looking like that right?" Hoseok hyung asked. I shake my head. Then i sat on the couch.
"Today i'm not going to school." i said. The BTS members except Jungkook who was on his way back looked at me.
"Why?" Jimin asked.
"I dont feel really well," i lied.
"Oh then you must go to sleep. you need to rest," Namjoon said.
"Nah, too lazy. i dont want to go back to sleep," I said. "You have too. You said you're not feeling well."
"Actually, i'm feelin' kinda better. and i'm late for school anyway." i said. Namjoon shake his head.
"You know we all know that you dont want to go to school because Jungkook walked Taeyeon to school when you're supposed to walk together," Yoongi said. I looked at Yoongi curiously. How did he know?'
"Uh, no. Just feelin' kinda lazy." i quickly go to my room. After several minutes, Jimin joined. I was sitting on my bed feeling hurt. Jealousy.
"Taehyung! are you jealous that Jungkook walked Taeyeon to school?" Jimin asked sitting beside me. I shake my head quickly.
Jimin chuckled. Then he pat my back. "Dont lie Tae."
i sighed.
"Okay. but you cant tell anyone." i said. Jimin nodded. "I like Taeyeon but it seems like Jungkook likes her too. About the fact that Yoongi hyung said earlier is true," i replied. Jimin nodded.
"I actually have the same feeling like you. But it was a long time ago." Jimin said.
"Oh, you mean Yeon Ra?" I asked. Jimin nodded.
"Tae Min confessed first and i guess Yeon Ra liked her. I havent heard anything from her yet. I miss her so much." He replied. I nodded. "Isn't she in Busan?" I asked. "Maybe. i think she moved. I dont know where," Jimin lied on his bed. I nodded.

Yeon Ra's POV

I was new here since yesterday. It was still vocal class. I was bored. Suddenly i remembered Jimin. I loved him. I thought he didn't like me back, so when Tae Min confessed, i accepted him. I didn't knew Jimin liked me when he sent me a note and left Busan. I cried anc cried. How can i be so blind? I didn't notice him that he loves me too.
I stared at the whiteboard. A tear fell from my eye. down to my cheek. I wiped it slowly. But Taeyeon caught me. She didn't know my past. That's because she left when she's still very young.
"Are you crying?" she asked. I shake my head. "Just a dust that came to my eye," i replied. Taeyeon nodded. When vocal class is over i walked to the cafeteria with Taeyeon. We sat at the corner. Suddenly Taeyeon's friend Mina came with her boyfriend i guess.
"Hey Taeyeon! can we seat here with you?" I asked. Then she looked at me. Taeyeon shake her head.
"Um, sorry Mina but there's a table for two over there," she pointed to an empty two table. "Oh come on Taeyeon! I just had a boyfriend and you're jealous?!"
"Actually Mina why dont you smooch over there and stop bothering me! right now i have a real friend to talk to. So, move!" I stomped my feet. Mina looked at me in disbelief. She flipped her hair and walked away followed by her boyfriend.
"Is that Mina?" i asked. Taeyeon nodded.
"Wow, that's rude." i replied. "Yeah, that's because she had a boyfriend," she rolled my eyes.
"Um Yeon Ra, i didn't think your eyes got dust. In vocal class i saw you drop a tear." she said. I gulped.

Taeyeon's POV

"Well, you cant tell anybody!" she said. I nodded. So i tell her the whole story.
"Jimin?" i asked. She nodded. When i heard say she say that name, i remembered about Taehyung.
"Hey, Jimin's in a popular boy group. you know BTS," i said. Yeon Ra nodded. "I know. I just keep blaming myself cause i cant notice him that he liked me back." Yeon Ra sighed.
"At least you got Tae Min." she nodded. "I dont fully love him." she sighed again.
i sighed too. i looked around hoping Taehyung would show his feet anywhere. Yeon Ra looked at me confused.
"What are you looking at?" Yeon Ra asked.
"Nothing." i sighed. Yeon Ra looked at me. "You can tell me everything you know." she said. I nodded and ate my lunch. I opened my phone. Maybe i could contact him why didn't he come to school. School without Taehyung made the lessons seemed so plain.

Looks like he just read it

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Looks like he just read it. He didn't reply. i dont get it. Did i do something wrong? I hope he comes to school tomorrow and maybe we could talk about it.
Just give me a little hope💫
Then i remembered about the dance. It's dued to more days! I quickly text him back. He didn't reply. He havent read it yet. So i switched off my phone and packed my stuffs since its dismissal. When i came outside the school building, someone took my way. Jungkook oppa. I smiled.
"Hey oppa!" i said. Jungkook smiled. "Are you waiting for someone?" Jungkook shaked his head.
"Have you got your keys?" he asked. I nodded and showed him my house key. "I'm here to take you home. Just a walk." he said. I nodded even tho i feel a little uncomfortable. But i had to respect him and thank him. We started to walk down the street. We chatted and laughed.
"Um, oppa, why did Taehyung oppa didn't come to school?" i asked.
"He said he's not feeling very well," Jungkook replied. "Can we stop at your house first? i want to give him goodies. You see it's kinda my family tradition to see the people we know that are sick and gave them candies or whatever to make them feel better." i said. Jungkook looked at me. Cant you see? i'm here for you! Jungkook screamed inside.
"Sure." he said and turned to the left.  maybe thats why he didn't reply my messages... i thought. After we walked for 20 meters, we arrived at the house. Jungkook knocked. I was looking away and when the door opened, i saw Taehyung who was playing his phone. We both looked at each other. I seemed so weak. I tried to hold my tears.
I thought he was sick but he's there with his phone in his hands. Why couldn't him make 2 minutes to reply my messages... I said in my heart. I froze. Taehyung looked at me. I suddenly became angry and dissapointed. I turned around and walked away without saying "goodbye". i kept on walking and walking. But someone pulled my hands back. I dont want to know who it was. I just kept walking and took my hands back. But then he again pulled my hands back. I didn't want to know. My tears falled already. I dont want him to know that i was crying. I tried to walk away but he pulled me (body) facing him. I didn't want to know who he was. I closed my eyes.
"Taeyeon!" somehow i stopped crying. I looked at him. We stared at each other.

okay that is it! pretty longg but i luv this part oemji💞💞 okayy... see u at chapter eleven! baii✨💞💫
- 장민찬🌙

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