2054 - Galactic Discovery Mission Base USA

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The programme was particularly gruelling and for the first time Casey was beginning to doubt her ability to do the mission.  For three months she had been on a base in the middle of nowhere, on the most demanding readiness programme she had ever known and put through her paces by a commanding officer who was literally her worst nightmare.
He was an absolute ass, (even if he was the best).

She was a discovery agent, a pilot of the universe, a space explorer and she had volunteered for a mission anyone in her shoes would give their high teeth for - a three year exploration and discovery mission across the galaxy.  The trip would allow her to see worlds no one had ever been to, ever dreamt of, it was the chance of a lifetime.  There were risks of course hence the reason why training was so gruelling, they had to be prepared for anything, only the best would pass, would get to go - and she wanted to go.

She was brought back into reality with a jolt "a million miles away?!", Jake asked - he was her partner, mentor and friend and he was on the Programme too (thank god, as he had helped her to keep her sanity throughout the ordeal!)
"Hey Jakey, ahh feeling sorry for my weary bones, I need sleep and a massage!!" Jake laughed "don't turn wimp on me Case - that's all I need!!" he shoved her hard, playfully and she laughed.   They were best friends, no awkwardness or tension just the simple ease of knowing someone and she loved Jake like a brother and he felt the same about her, they were a formidable twosome and a first rate team. 
They had been on missions together many times over the last four years and had developed a connection, an instinct about things that no other partnership could boast.  They understood the universe,  they knew how to predict hazards, discover new finds and avoid disrupting nature in the process.  Their common bond was that they genuinely cared, they loved the mystery and complexity of their world and the universe and because of that their work was an honour and a joy to them.  They had studied together at college in botanic and genetic engineering and they had a common affinity with mankind and it's environment.  They understood new environments and life forms and they respected the importance of new worlds and finds. 

This mission would allow their beautiful planet Earth to discover the means to exist in the future - at present Earth was existing on extremely limited resources which would deplete rapidly over the next century.   There was a real risk that the planets resources would completely run out and sustainability for future generations was unsure due to the neglect of the planet by former generations.  They were indeed a rare breed, everything they had learned and encountered had been preparing them for this mission - and they were ready, or Casey had thought so - until today.  As the mission was approaching Casey was feeling nervous, she had never really felt this level of anxiety and caution simultaneously, it was a new sensation for her and she shared her feelings with Jake. 

"Are you feeling nervous about this one Jakey?" she asked, Jake looked at her seriously for a moment "sure I am, it's an unknown and it a long trip - you're not having second thoughts on me Case are you?" He took hold of her hand and squeezed it reassuringly
" cos you know I'm in there with you, right, we're a team" he said smiling at her.  She loved how Jake could reassure her and make her feel like everything was OK, "of course not!, you don't think I'm going to let you have all the fun out there without me do you?"  She jumped on his back and they both fell on the ground laughing.  "I think it must be the readiness programme Jakey,- this ones a bit of a bitch to be honest, I'm probably just tired"
"And emotional" Jaked chipped in - she kicked him - hard!

But there was still something uneasy stirring in the pit of her stomach and she was feeling a discomfort in her mind that she could not shake it off.

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