3264 - Namaliii fourth quadrant universe, galaxy 7

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Vincent lay still on the floor, his soldiers gone and Catrix hovering above him.
"Why?" He said bitterly "Why are you alive, why can't I rid the world of you"
Catrix looked at him and she felt pity, love even - he was broken.
She knelt beside him and stroked his brow. To her surprise Vincent laughed "You think you have defeated me don't you?" "Have you any idea how powerful I am, how patient, cunning?"
Catrix spoke "there is nothing left Vincent, it's over - let me make life better for you, be happy"
He brushed her hand away from him roughly and sat up.
Catrix knew she could not afford to allow him too much power so she used her power of thought to restrain him on the floor.
He was immobilised, immovable - but something was worrying Catrix - she felt uneasy....
"You can feel it can't you" he smiled "it's almost time, time for you to need saving". She did not respond.
He lay his head back on the floor and stared at the ceiling.
Catrix could see the blackness was emptying from his eyes, it was working the Virus was leaving him.
Vincent lay on the floor of his lab still and silent as the last spec of black was leaving his eyes
The room fell still - Vincent's eyes closed. At last Catrix thought, it's over.
But something was not right - the energy in the room had changed.
Suddenly an image was projected onto the walls of the room - It was London, 1988 the night her mother and father Charlie and Matt met outside the Wag club - she observed the film mouth open and saw Vincent fall into Matt, saw Charlie laughing and saw the Virus enter Matts body.
At that point, Vincent's eyes snapped open as he uttered "activate code"
His eyes started filling up with dark black liquid.
Catrix looked at Vincent then back at the image on the wall where she saw Matt's eyes had also started to fill with a dark black liquid.
The room span wildly and all Catrix could hear was Vincent's laughter and her own screams.

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