1992 - London 11th October 3am

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Charlie had been pushing and screaming for over three hours, she was tired, exhausted and high on gas and air.  "Babe, you're doing great" Matt encouraged, but he looked worried, scared - he was so rubbish at hiding his feelings from her, she knew he was trying to be supportive but Charlie wanted to kill everyone in the room she was so pumped! "I need this to be over Matt" Charlie whined "it bloody hurts" Matt kissed her forehead "I know baby, I know - nearly there".  "Keep pushing Charlie, come on, not long now" the midwife encouraged.  Charlie grabbed the mask, breathed in the gas and air and pushed, really hard "aaaaaaarrrrrrgggggggg" she screamed. 

Two hours later nothing much had changed, but Charlie was becoming weak.  The doctor took Matt out of the theatre, "I think we may need to opt for a C section Matt, the cervix is not dilating enough, she's exhausted and we need to get the baby out in the next hour really or it will be in distress and they will both be at risk.  I do need your consent for this though" Matt burst into tears "they will be OK won't they doc,  I mean if she has the C section and they get the baby out all will be fine - yes?" The doctor put an arm on his shoulder "Yes of course, but because this is an operation we need your consent" he smiled "really, this is very straightforward" Matt looked at him "OK, OK, do it OK mate, look after them, do it" the doctor nodded "we do not need to distress Charlie with this, leave the details to me, OK?" Matt nodded and went back into the theatre, he smiled weakly at Charlie, god she was completely out of it - shit!, he was so worried right now - he hid his feelings with a joke "hey Cha, how does Bob Marley like his donuts?" Despite the pain she laughed "wi jam in" she said weakly.  They both smiled at each other Charlie could see how stressed He was, she wanted to tell him it was OK, but she was wasted - god the gas and air was strong!
The doctor came over to her - "Charlie, we are going to give you something to ease the pain, it may make you drowsy OK? this will all be over soon, when you wake up you will have a beautiful baby"  She nodded, she didn't care what they did right now she just wanted to feel normal again.  

She felt the needle go into her arm and things started getting hazy, she could see Matts face looking at her, but there was something moving over his shoulder there were some people behind him who weren't there before (were they people?) - who were they, they started to become more in focus, god they were beautiful! she gasped! -  tall and slender with almost iridescent skin, they were closer to her now - everything else faded away and all that was left were the two beautiful "beings". 

The time was 5.59am, they knew they did not have long to establish contact.  Chwaiii the female and Mahiii the male were looking at her, Chwaiii was smiling at Charlie.  They had come a long way to ensure all went to plan, their very existence and that of the future world depended on this night.

Charlie could see their faces were full of light, they looked like angels, she thought she might be dying and felt blissfully happy, she smiled like a child at them - they both smiled back at her and she felt elated.  The female being leant closer to her and placed a hand on her cheek, she began to speak "Charlie, Catrix is in your hands now, look after her, when the time comes we will be with you - we love you, we love you................." Charlie replied weakly ".....love you......" she thought she heard a cry in the background and then everything went black.

At 6.00am on 11th October 1992 a baby girl entered the earth, she was a tiny 2.2 kilos and she was very pale - but she was very beautiful.  Matt and Charlie cried with Joy "Cassandra" Charlie said "I love it" said Matt "lets set a family tradition, all the girls  names begin with C and all the boys names begin with M" Charlie looked at him and frowned, then smiled "OK" she said.  They both looked at Cassandra adoringly - Charlie spoke "By the way, what were you talking about when we were in the ambulance" Matt looked at her "I never said a word babe" he said stroking her head "must have been the gas and air" "yeah, guess so - good stuff that Matt, I must have been hallucinating!" "Wicked" Matt said and laughed at her.

Life was good.

Cassandra entered the world oblivious to her destiny as most of us do and Matt, Charlie and the rest of the world were also oblivious to the event that had taken place at 5.59am that morning just before Cassandra entered the world.

Catrix - the cureWhere stories live. Discover now