3064 - Namaliii (fourth quadrant universe, galaxy 7)

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Since the unit had landed on the planet, it had evolved, almost as if the presence of the silver orb had initiated the life cycle process.  Over time vegetation grew, water emerged as a result and then life form began to appear.  It was a beautiful planet, like paradise, a nirvana.  The life form evolved, began to walk, communicate, talk and eventually grew into enlightened beings with pure love at the very essence of their existence.  They were a beautiful race - tall willowy beings their skin almost glowing with an iridescent light and they had a stunning delicate beauty that was indescribable.

They had embraced the silver orb as a symbol of their belief, it sat at the heart of their community, their tribe.  They did not know what it was and had no idea of its contents, but they adored the orb and accepted it unquestionably as the symbol of love, honour and truth.  They prayed to this symbol daily, they shared their inner thoughts with it, they celebrated life by meditating with it and they loved it.  Many years before a great prophet in the tribe foretold of an event in the dimension 3064, that would change their existence.  He foretold that the orb would reveal itself to them and share its profound love, knowledge and wisdom and they needed to prepare for this miraculous event.  He told them to surround the orb with a mechanism for capturing its very essence, so they built a series of fine thread like channels that connected the orb to the very core of their planet so they would never be disconnected from their beloved symbol.  They truly believed the prophesy, they had no reason not to believe, for this race only dealt with truth and love, there were no negatives on the planet or in their DNA.  They waited patiently, lovingly for the event.
It was meditation song in the central zone, the whole Namaliii tribe was there, but something was different, for Inside the orb something was happening, stirring.

Jake and Casey had slept for a thousand years entwined in each others arms.  The last words they had spoken in the unit had been their love for each other.  Time had aged them beautifully and they were suspended - floating.  They were enveloped in white hair which had grown from both of them and had intertwined in a beautiful swirl wrapped around their bodies.  Their nails were long and translucent, curled around each others hands and their faces were in a peaceful sleep, they looked angelic.  Their bodies had become one.  The unit had not been able to support them as it should, as It was only meant for one occupant so five hundred years was the maximum for them both to survive.   They had therefore mummified over the last five hundred years and their presence was now so delicate it was whisper thin.  The tribe elders knew something was about to begin, they looked at each other and then telepathically asked the tribe for silence.  All was still.

The orb began to move, began to rise, and stopped suspended in mid-air, the whole tribe raised their arms towards the orb and slowly the outer layer began to disintegrate.  Glistening confetti-like pieces of the orb burst out into the open arms of the tribe like a starburst of glitter and the tribe embraced the shimmering silver shower with love.  Once the silver outer layer was gone what remained was the most beautiful sight they had ever seen.  There inside a floating clear delicate orb was Jake and Casey - two angelic beings wrapped around each other like branches of a willow tree, white shimmering light radiating from them, their bodies paper thin.  The whole tribe looked adoringly at the image, tears of love streaming down their beautiful faces.  They were transfixed. Then as with the silver outer layer the orb and its contents began to disintegrate like delicate tissue paper and as the delicate outer orb and the bodies of Jake and Casey began to float on the breeze all that could be heard was the last whisper of their voices "I love you Casey" "I love you Jake". The tribe fell to their knees, heads bowed in reverence to the profound event.

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