3163 - Namaliii fourth quadrant universe, galaxy 7

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Chwaiii and Mahiii knew they had to enter their dimension before any trace of Vincent had appeared in order to protect Cassie. They were standing by the silver pool and Cassie was looking at the effigy of Casey and Jake - she was mesmerised by it. Mahiii spoke first
"she is your granddaughter Catrix, she is our founder and the basis of our life, our planet, our very being". She looked like Charlie her mother and Cassie was overwhelmed with the love she felt for the image in front of her, they were beautiful, angelic. She looked around and saw the silver pool shimmering in the light of the two suspended beings. Chwaiii led her towards the pool, "and this is our life force Catrix, this will energise and empower you for the time to come". Cassie could not get used to being called Catrix, it was weird, but stirred something at the same time - but she said nothing.

"We need to begin, we don't have much time" Mahiii spoke directly to Chwaiii and she nodded and took Cassie by the hand "come Catrix, your preparation must begin" and she began walking into the silver pool with Cassie. Mahiii spoke softly as he held Cassies other hand "do not be afraid little one, this is your destiny, when you come out of the pool you will be ready, we will all be ready - let us begin" and as they slowly emerged into the silver liquid Mahiii began to chant a poem......

"the shell is pail and thin, the urge to break it is overwhelming by all who encounter it - but within there is silence, stillness"........"a cunning suitor with eyes greedy for the contents tries to break the shell - tap, tap, tap - but the shell stays strong, before long the stillness needs to be seen, be heard and allows a crack to appear - the suitor gasps, waits eagerly to devour the contents, to destroy the thing inside"....

"Crack, crack, crack - the shell opens - there is a stillness in the air - for what emerges is not the weak, feeble prey anticipated, but a Phoenix gold and proud, the phoenix emerges, looks down at the trembling suitor, arises and unites the world."

The silver liquid completely covered them and as it did Cassie smiled, she was not afraid at all, it was all beginning to make sense.

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