2005 - London October 17th 8am

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She was still their Cassie but she was different, she was stronger and the allergies had completely disappeared. She had two small silver dots on her wrists like teardrops, the only evidence of the energising process in the silver pool, a symbol of her heritage.
Charlie and Matt were different too. Since the night Cassie was taken by Chwaiii and Mahiii they had become calm and seemed to be prepared for whatever the future held. They felt a sense of certainty.

Cassie told them about the planet Namahiii, about the beautiful silver pool and the vision of Casey and Jake and how their crew member Vincent had destroyed the beautiful world they had so lovingly created. She told them about how she had learned about the Namahiii tribe and how they had evolved once Casey and Jakes vessel had landed on the planet and how their role as peace guardians across the universe had evolved. She told them how Chwaiii and Mahiii had been foretold as the chosen ones by the elders in their tribe and how they were chosen to protect the legacy of Casey and Jake. She shared the stories of the Namahiii tribe and the meditation song and Charlie and Matt watched and listened in awe as the stories unfolded. Cassie spoke "There's one more thing - Casey she's your great granddaughter and my granddaughter
- We are all connected, we have the same DNA".

Charlie remembered the bow of recognition from Chwaiii the night they took Cassie and it began to make sense. They had so many questions, so much they needed to know though "Cassie, why you - what is it you have to do?" Cassie spoke slowly almost trance-like and as she began to speak, her appearance began to take on that of Chwaiii and the words flowed easily through her as she lit up the room.

"As far into the past and future as you can imagine, the Namahiii tribe have been the peace guardians across the universe, easing pain, preventing wars and famine and disaster - keeping the order of peace. But throughout there was another force at play, a virus intent on the destruction of everything it consumed - VNR our nemesis. Fear, hate, destruction, malice - these are all elements of the virus that throughout time have tried to destroy your world and the universe as a whole. We were always able to contain the virus in some way, but over time it has grown stronger, evolved, become smarter and more destructive. Ultimately it was able to find its way to our very source, the essence of our being - our beloved planet Namahiii. Vincent was the chosen host and his mission is to eradicate our race and dominate mankind with the evil and hate that will lead to the demise of goodness and love. Casey was the beginning of everything, it was a combination of her and Jakes love and the DNA she inherited from Cassandra that created the essence of our being, our world and the virus has convinced Vincent that he must eradicate every particle of her existence in order to destroy us all. The virus is correct, if this happens we will cease to exist. We needed to find a way to protect our tribe to give us time to find a cure. We needed to find the right guardian to protect our existence"

And we have found her, you see Cassandra is the Namahiii - we placed the last essence of Casey in her DNA at the embryo stage - we have searched for thousands of years to find a relative to Casey who is the right match - Catrix is the formula we have developed to fight the virus, Cassandra's DNA is the perfect match with Casey's - Cassandra is Catrix she is the cure"

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