1992 - London 10th October 11.30pm

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Charlie was heavily pregnant, due in two weeks and to be honest "the bump" was beginning to get on her nerves. Although she'd had a good pregnancy her hugeness was beginning to take its toll. She could not get comfortable anywhere, particularly in bed, and comfortable clothing was a thing of the past - she had wore elastic top jeans for waaaay to long now and she was looking forward to getting some kind of shape back again. Matt turned over in bed and looked at her "you OK babe?" He said half asleep "yeah, just colossal, that's all" Matt smiled at her "would the mountain like Muhammad to give it a hug?" He laughed out loud at his own joke and even though Charlie could have killed him for the slight, she laughed out loud too - she loved his laugh, it was infectious. "Sod off Matt" she elbowed him and then "ooh" she felt a sharp twinge, "SHIT, that bloody hurt" Charlie winced uncomfortably, "that'll teach ya!" Matt laughed, but when he saw the expression on Charlie's face Matt sat up in bed an looked at her concerned "should we call the doc?" He said, "no, no, I'm fine - AAAAAAAAAH" she screamed then Charlie doubled over in pain as she felt the trickle of water rolling down her legs "ohhh my waters broke - get an ambulance!!" She screamed, Matt scrambled to the phone and dialled 999 "stay calm Cha, I've got this OK, OK?" Charlie screeched back "OK! JUST GET ME TO THE HOSPITAL"

The ambulance came within minutes and they were both whisked off to the local hospital at the speed of light. Charlie was puffing and panting wishing she had done the ante-natal classes instead of being such a bloody hippy and Matt had that look on his face that Charlie knew was worried trying to look calm,- she focused on her breathing it was only a matter of time - keep calm Charlie, she said to herself sucking in the gas and air - it was then that she realised everything was going fuzzy and she was fading, she heard a voice in the distance, a mans voice "Matt is that you?, what are you on about?" She vaguely heard the words......"Catrix, she is coming, this is your destiny.....don't be afraid" And then she blacked out.

When they arrived at the hospital Charlie had come round, she had fainted, all was well, the gas and air was responsible, apparently it was quite normal. Matt was holding her hand "it's OK babe, I'm here, it'll soon be over, our baby is on its way!!" He was so excited, she was in agony, god this was painful!

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