3264 - Namaliii fourth quadrant universe, galaxy 7

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When the orb had landed on the planet a hundred years ago, the tribe were full of welcome anticipation and love. They embraced Vincent into their world, they shared all their knowledge with him, they loved and adored him as a direct connection to their beloved founders Casey and Jake and they believed this was what had been foretold by the great prophet. Vincent did nothing to dispel this, but used it to his advantage, to gain a deeper knowledge of the tribe. But Chwaiii and Mahiii did not feel the connection to him as the others did and they remained unseen to the newcomer and engaged more closely with one another in their silent meditation, hoping to gain insight and understand their feelings.

It took almost 10 years for Vincent to initiate his plan. Once he had discovered Casey and Jake were the initiators of the life form on the planet the anger increased and the need to eradicate their existence increased and slowly as he began to understand the powers this civilisation had at their disposal, he began to hatch a plan. The silver pool was the source of their power and energy and he aimed to use it and then control it. He was standing silently in front of the effigy of Casey and Jake by the silver pool, he hated her, all he knew was that he had to eradicate her from history, from time and destroy her presence for ever. He had to find a way to do that and the Namahiii tribe were unknowingly going to help him.

The pool rippled, the pool knew. Chwaiii and Mahiii spoke to each other telepathically "he will destroy us" Mahiii said. Chwaiii nodded and said softly "I love you Jake, I love you Casey - help us" and they both cried silently in each others arms, no one had ever uttered the sacred words since they were first heard by the elders, they were revered as saintly amoungst the tribe - but Mahiii knew Chwaiii was right to say them, the time was right. They fell into a deep meditation, they knew they had to get the answers for the sake of their race and their planet and slowly as they moved deeper into meditation they began to disappear completely from the planet.

Vincent started slowly, he began introducing doubt, he confused their minds with stories of hate and anger, man killing man - they were distressed, uncertain, confused, they cried out of shame and pity, never known to them before. He showed them images of the great wars, of the destruction and death - their energy started to deplete. They were experiencing feelings they had never known, they were afraid. Eventually they became so saddened by what they heard, some died of a broken heart. Vincent steadily infected the remaining tribe with the virus their hearts became hardened to what they had seen and heard, he had broken them. Once he had broken them he told them he could heal them, that he was the saviour the great prophet had promised them, they destroyed the effigy of their beloved idols on his command and they believed they were loved by him and him alone. The virus was spreading.

None of them noticed that Chwaiii and Mahiii had left, the ones who had cared were dead. The silver pool was almost empty, Vincent had drained the pool and kept the liquid in a preservation machine in the great house he had built for himself in the great room.

A beautiful room tall and elegant with the smell of amber and bergamot penetrating the air.

And then when the time was right, he created an army, a team of time travelling soldiers who would help him to destroy the history of Casey over time - the Black Coats.

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